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Efka® PX 4310 is made by the Controlled Free Radical Polymerization (CFRP) technology, which allows producing polymeric dispersants with defined polymer architecture and a low poly …
Oral Type of value: LD50 Species: rat (male/female) Value: approx. 4,895 mg/kg (BASF-Test)
EFKA ® PX 4310 - BASF
EFKA PX 4310 is made by the controlled free radical polymerization (CFRP) technology, which allows producing polymeric dispersants with defined polymer architecture and a low poly …
myBASFWorld gives you instant access to product details, order management, tracking & more.
estellten Ammoniaks BMBcert erhalten. Mit der Integration von Ammoniak BMBcert von BASF in seine ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) PLUS-zertifizierten …
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安全技术说明书 - BASF
改性的丙烯酸聚合物, 有机溶剂。 4. 急救措施. 一般建议: 脱掉受污染的衣物。 如吸入: 如吸入蒸气/烟雾后有不适感,移至空气新鲜处,就医诊治。 皮肤接触: 用肥皂和清水彻底清洗。 眼睛接触: …
Emerald® Fungicide Control Fungicide Resistant Dollar Spots | BASF …
Emerald fungicide works differently than anything else you’ve seen used to control dollar spot. That means Emerald fungicide can effectively control dollar spot that has developed …
Test method Internal method 8000 Internal method 8642 ISO 4314 DIN ISO 4630 ISO 4316
ACRONAL EDGE 4141 is a high performance all-acrylic architectural binder suitable for stain through high gloss systems in white through deep bases. This binder performs at the top of its …