SNCF Class BB 7200 - Wikipedia
The SNCF Class BB 7200 is a 1.5 kV DC electric locomotive operated by the SNCF in France. It is the DC version of the 'Nez Cassé' family of locomotives built between 1976 and 1985 by Alstom. They are rated for 4,040 kW (5,420 hp) of continuous power. SNCF Class BB 15000 is the AC version while the Class BB 22200 is a dual
BB 7200 — Wikipédia
Les BB 7200 forment une série de locomotives électriques de ligne de la SNCF, qui font partie de la famille des Nez cassés, avec leurs « sœurs » bicourant BB 22200 et leurs « cousines » à courant monophasé BB 15000. Cette famille au style particulier débuta avec les séries plus anciennes CC 40100, CC 72000, CC 6500 et CC 21000.
BB 7200型电力机车 - 百度百科
Les BB 7200 et 22200 - DocRail
Les BB 7200 & 22200 ont pris la main sur le trafic grandes lignes au départ de la gare de Paris Lyon, en ce début des années 80. Leur présence est massive au dépôt du Charolais. Conception générale des deux séries .
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BB 7200 - Free
between paris and Toulouse, and have been obtained by exchanging 200 kph designed bogies with locomotives from batch BB 22351 to 22370 delivered with these bogies for Paris-Nantes, as well as from the BB 22278 which was used for final design of these bogies.
Liste des BB 7200 — Wikipédia
Cette liste recense les éléments du parc de BB 7200, matériel roulant de la Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF). Les BB 7200, encore en service 1, sont gérés par six Supervisions techniques de flotte (STF) 2 : * GBE (Garé bon état) : voir le glossaire ferroviaire.
SNCF Class BB 7200 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The SNCF Class BB 7200 is a 1.5 kV DC electric locomotive. It is operated by the SNCF in France. The BB 7200 are part of the "Nez Cassé" family of locomotives. SNCF Class BB 15000 is the alternating current (AC) version. The Class BB 22200 is a dual-voltage version. They are numbered to show that the DC and AC class make the dual-voltage ...
SNCF Class BB 7200 - Wikiwand
The SNCF Class BB 7200 is a 1.5 kV DC electric locomotive operated by the SNCF in France. It is the DC version of the 'Nez Cassé' family of locomotives built between 1976 and 1985 by Alstom. They are rated for 4,040 kW (5,420 hp) of continuous power.
loco-info.com - French State Railway BB 7200
The class BB 7200 locomotives are representatives of the generation with the distinctive nose shape with “Nez cassé”. They were the last pure DC locomotives in France and at the same time the first DC locomotives with automatic load control. They have bogies with only one traction motor each and were built with gear ratios for different ...
SÉRIE BB 7200 - rail4402
Locomotives courant continu SNCF série BB 7200 (BB 7201-7440 et BB 7601-7614) LOCOMOTIVES COURANT CONTINU. BB 7200. NUMÉROS PUISSANCE LIVRAISON TRANSFORMATION RADIATION OBSERVATIONS; BB 7201-BB 7235: 4 040 kW: 1976-1977: 2011-... Couple Petite Vitesse: BB 7236-BB 7342: 1978-1981: