BBMSL - Credit Card Machines | First Choice for SMEs
As the premier payment solutions provider in Hong Kong, BBMSL offers a payment service that adheres to the stringent standards of the PCI DSS. Our commitment to excellence has already benefited over 18,000 local and international business partners in delivering payment solutions and merchant services that go beyond your imagination.
BBMSL電子支付方案 | 信用卡機 | 中小企首選
BBMSL電子支付方案為您提供一站式支付系統/ 信用卡機,包括信用卡、八達通、支付寶、微信支付。 超過18,000個中小企商戶信賴,快速安裝,立即申請,免費報價!
BBMSL电子支付方案 | 信用卡机 | 中小企首选
BBMSL电子支付方案为您提供一站式支付系统/ 信用卡机,包括信用卡、八达通、支付宝、微信支付。 超过18,000个中小企商户信赖,快速安装,立即申请,免费报价!
BBPOS – Business Beyond Point of Sale
BBPOS is the world’s trusted name in providing electronic payment solutions. We were founded in 2008, when we created the first audio-jack card reader, and we’re recognized as a leading manufacturer and distributor of mobile POS (mPOS) for Retailers and Acquirers.
Merchant Business Portal - BBMSL
BBMSL 商戶業務管理平台,商戶可以查詢業務概況及數據分析,管理各項交易,下載結算報告或月結單,訂購熱敏紙。 提供幫助中心,解決技術問題。
BBMSL Online Payment Service | BBMSL Documentation
BBMSL Online Payment Service allows merchant to proceed online payment with easy integration and minimal effort. These docs covered the detailed design and complete workflow of our payment service. You can read through the docs section by section or jump directly into the sections you need.
BBMSL Documentation
Payment Beyond Imagination - © 2025 BBMSL LimitedBBMSL Limited
Overview | BBMSL Documentation
Digital Wallet: The authentication process is conducted by the wallet's service provider through biometric authentication or username/password. As merchant is allowed to implement own workflow using direct mode, there are extra steps required to process different types of payment.
【中小企分享】BBMSL 為企業帶來更便捷的電子支付解決方案
樋熥支付科技有限公司(BBMSL)為超過 10,000 家來自零售、餐飲、保健、美容、酒店、娛樂和交通等行業的企業及中小企,提供安全、可靠、易用的電子支付解決方案。 BBMSL 2017 年於香港成立,成立初期為 BBPOS 集團旗下的全資附屬公司。 BBPOS 為世界領先的電子支付終端機(MPOS)供應商,團隊研發世界首個 MPOS 設備,每年硬件出貨量超過 300 萬台。 Stripe Inc. 於 2022 年 3 月收購 BBPOS 集團,在業務重組下,BBMSL 獨立發展。 憑著 BBMSL 在電子 …
聯絡我們 | BBMSL電子支付方案
1 Paya Lebar Link, #04-01 Paya Lebar Quarter, Unit 460, Singapore 408533