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Brad Onishi – Scholar, Speaker, Thought Leader
Brad Onishi is a social commentator, scholar, and co-host of the Straight White American Jesus (SWAJ) podcast. He founded Axis Mundi Media in 2023 in order to provide a platform for research-based podcasts focused on safeguarding democracy from the threats of extremism and authoritarianism.
Brain Quest Workbook: Pre-K Revised Edition (Brain Quest …
2023年5月9日 · Loved by kids, teacher approved, and trusted by parents, Brain Quest Pre-Kindergarten Workbook reviews and reinforces what children are learning in the classroom in an instantly engaging, entertaining way.
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Building Real-Life Math Skills, Grades 3-5 - by Liane Onish ... - Target
2011年10月1日 · 16 high-interest lessons with reproducible activity pages help students use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, estimation, and many other essential skills to solve "everyday" math scenarios. This practical resource helps students build essential skills for managing the typical math scenarios they encounter every day.
Vocabulary-Building Card Games : 20 Reproducible Card Games …
These easy and engaging card games are tailor-made to support students in this process, help them own hundreds of new words, and increase their reading, writing, and oral vocabularies. Games are fully reproducible and perfect for partner, small group, and whole class use. Includes game variations and ideas for differentiated learning.
粤语中BB 是什么意思 - 百度知道
大众对自己心目中的女神 (公众人物)的亲切称呼,通常是一些偏向清新、可爱气质的女神。 早期被冠以BB的艺人如锺嘉欣、刘心悠,叫法是嘉欣BB、心悠BB。 基本上就是把人比喻为可爱的婴儿一样讨人喜爱、爱护,但我不肯定哪个用法较早出现,继而引申出另一用法。 粤语中BB 是什么意思传统上是Baby (婴儿)的简化。 近年在香港有两个新用法:1. 对自己伴侣的亲暱称呼。 2. 大众对自己心目中的女神 (公众人物)的亲切称呼,通常是一些偏向清新、可爱气质的女神。 早期被冠 …
6 Vocabulary Packets: Prefixes and Suffixes • Scholastic Aivity 2Ct Cloze Call: Students supply the affix that completes the unfinished word in a context sentence. Then students select a word and write and illustrate a sentence for it. ACtivity 3 Crossword Puzzle: Students complete the crossword puzzle with words from the unit.
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Introduction Vocabulary Packets: Greek & Latin Roots © Liane B. Onish, Scholastic Teaching Resources 5 When students encounter a new word, they may decode the word without understanding the meaning, or they may guess at the meaning using context clues.
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