Montana-class battleship - Wikipedia
With increased anti-aircraft capability and substantially thicker armor in all areas, the Montana s would have been the largest, best-protected, and most heavily armed US battleships ever, and the only ones to rival the Empire of Japan 's Yamato -class battleships in terms of displacement.
Montana Class (BB 67-71) - NHHC
The Montana class would have consisted of five ships, to be constructed at three Navy Yards: Montana (BB-67), to be built at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania ; Ohio (BB-68), to be built...
BB-72 to BB-78, post-Montana battleships - Secret Projects Forum
2006年6月6日 · The BB72-78 “battleships” were and still are the product of the media. Firstly the wartime press who, in the absence of any authorised data, speculated on what could possibly follow the Montana designs.
Drake's Drum | Page 2 | alternatehistory.com
2019年6月20日 · Top: BB72 USS Wyoming, a battleship from the Drake’s Drum timeline. Based on the BB65 Montana design, she was commissioned in early 1947, shipped nine 18 inch guns and had a modified superstructure and secondary armament layout.
uss nebraska bb-72 class - Shipbucket - Archive Forum!
2009年9月12日 · Inspired by the nebraska in navyfield i just got onto it. I used colloseums iowa,montana, and his tillman uss texas design. The armament is in the picture, but if you are using glasses ill put it here bigger. Lets give it a story! A new battleship class whas needed, since alot where out of service/sunk.
【CAD造船厂】架空战舰_末代战列舰系列_02_USS.Washington …
USS.Washington BB72 (1960) USS. West Virginia BB73 (1960) USS.Pennsylvania BB74 (1962) USS.Connecticut BB75 (1962) 基本数据: 舰体: 水线长度:328m. 水线宽度:41m. 甲板长度:335m. 甲板最大宽度:39m. 吨位:标准:94000吨;满载:105500吨. 吃水:12m. 方形系数:0.57 动力: 速度 ...
Montana-class Battleship – 1/200 - 1/200 - PaperModelers.com
2014年4月19日 · Owing to the Speed of Government, the Navy received notification of this one day before the entire class was cancelled. The five original ships were to be named thus: Because the memorandum to build another ship was approved, there would have been a BB-72, but since the entire class was cancelled, that meant it was never named, just numbered.
尼可的战舰工坊:哥伦比亚号战列舰(BB-72) - 知乎专栏
哥伦比亚级首舰,哥伦比亚号,舷号72. 布鲁克林海军船坞打造. 1944年开始服役. 长359米,宽45米. 满载排水量138,600吨. 最高航速23.7节. 主炮406mm五座三联,十五门.
USS Montana (BB-72) by @Mop700000 – Sheezy.Art
Anyway, this battleship would have a minimal crew (around three-hundred fifty sailors) The darker spots around the windows are armor plating for added protection. Armament: and a quad barrel 7 inch gun turret. The Montana also carries three MH-60R Seahawk LAMPS Mk III helicopters.
为什么战列舰的缩写是BB? - 入门解疑区 - 战列舰 - Ship of the line …
2011年2月20日 · 美国二战建成的阿拉斯加级,虽然有战巡的味道,但正式编号是CB,而且官方解释CB代表"Large Cruiser"而不是"Battle-Cruiser"或"Cruiser-Battleship"。 英国皇家海军的舰号 (pennant number)与舰型关系不固定,有时有前缀字母有时没有,而且有前缀也不代表舰型缩写。 皇家海军从未用过BB或BC做舰号前缀字母,舷边漆舰号则自1924年才采用。 那新海军建造的第一艘BB"得克萨斯"号是不是就没有给编号? 1892年下水时貌似还只有舰名没有编号,至于世纪初 …