BB-8 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
2014年12月12日 · BB-8, sometimes spelled and pronounced Beebee-Ate and nicknamed BB, was a BB-series astromech droid who operated approximately thirty years after the Battle of …
BB-8 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BB-8 是《星際大戰》系列的一個 機器人 角色,屬於 球形機器人,首次出現於2015年的 宇宙史詩 電影《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》 [1]。 BB-8 這個角色同時由 傀儡 和真正的機器人詮釋。 官 …
BB-8 - StarWars.com
BB-8 joined the mission to infiltrate the First Order flagship Supremacy, hidden beneath a waste bin. But more direct action was needed when Rose and Finn were captured again. The …
BB-8 | 星球大戰百科全書 | Fandom
BB-8是《星球大战》系列的一个机器人角色,首次出现于2015年电影《星球大战:原力觉醒》。 BB-8这个角色同时由傀儡和真正的机器人诠释。 在《原力觉醒》中,BB-8的主人波·戴姆伦把 …
How the Real BB-8 Actually Works - Popular Mechanics
2016年7月19日 · One rig, called "the wiggler," was a full model mounted to a plate that could be buried in sand or affixed to the deck of the Millennium Falcon. It couldn't actually move from …
BB-8 | Disney Wiki | Fandom
BB-8 is an astromech droid and one of the main characters in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Carrying part of a map that leads to Luke Skywalker, he is forced to part with Poe Dameron, …
BB-8 - Star Wars Battlefront Wiki
BB-8 shoots electricity with his SHOCK PROD, sustaining damage to enemies in front of him. BB-8 regains health for each defeated enemy. Grants 20 health per defeated trooper, 100 health …
The real story behind how BB-8 works in The Force Awakens
2016年7月18日 · Star Wars engineering experts have tipped their hand regarding one of Hollywood’s best-kept secrets: Exactly how BB-8 works in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
这个BB-8机械上如何设计的? - 知乎
松林工作室的生物制作部接受了挑战,并最终成功地在电影中制造和操作了BB-8。 那么BB-8是如何工作的呢? 是什么黑魔法在驱动它? 我们可以肯定的是,它并不像某些理论所说的那样是 …
How BB-8 Works - TechCrunch
2015年12月22日 · BB-8, the adorable successor to R2-D2, has captured hearts and minds. As lovable as it is, and even with as much life as its creators managed to instill into it, in the end…
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