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BBB: The Sign of a Better Business | Better Business Bureau
BBB helps consumers and businesses in the United States and Canada. Find trusted BBB Accredited Businesses. Get BBB Accredited. File a complaint, leave a review, report a scam.
Local BBBs serving United States | Better Business Bureau
BBB directory of local BBBs serving United States. Find a local Better Business Bureau location.
Better Business Bureau - Wikipedia
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is an American private, 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization founded in 1912. BBB's self-described mission is to focus on advancing marketplace trust, [ 2 ] consisting of 92 independently incorporated local BBB organizations in the United States and Canada , coordinated under the International Association of Better ...
Better Business Bureau: An Overview and How Its Ratings Work - Investopedia
5 天之前 · The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a nonprofit organization focused on promoting trust in the marketplace. Founded in 1912 by a group of advertising executives frustrated with unethical sales ...
北美商业改进局 - 百度百科
北美商业改进局是企业对企业之间(Businessto Business),企业对消费者 (Business to Consumers)之间的建立彼此信任的一个平台,并且对市场上的商业行为进行点评,总结,引导和监督。 BBB成立于1912年,最开始初衷是一些商家想搭建一个对商业广告起到舆论的监督的一个平台。 BBB已发展成为横跨北美(美国 和 加拿大)的国际性的一个非盈利组织,BBB从一开始就承诺无需政府扶持,所有经费靠收取诚信企业申请和管理费维持。 现已在北美各大主要城市有 …
Home - BBB Group Solutions
We offer a comprehensive range of parts and services for the earthmoving and construction industries, with a commitment to reliability and efficiency. “From new and used parts to expert remanufacturing, we ensure your equipment operates at its best.” We assist you with advanced planning solutions to save you time and money.
BBB Group | Agarwood Health & Beauty Products
BBB is an organization specializing in Agarwood (Gaharu) plantation, tropical fruits cultivation, estate management and premium value-enhancement consultation. An organization accredited in producing award winning products and creates values to all.
Newton Group | BBB Business Profile | Better Business Bureau
BBB Accredited since 10/28/2011. Timeshare Transfer in Grand Rapids, MI. See BBB rating, reviews, complaints, get a quote and more.
BBB Group | Agarwood Health & Beauty Products
bbb 是一个集沉香种植产业、热带水果产业、房产拓展管理、以及高端增值咨询为主要开发营建项目的多元化企业集团。 一家获得生产屡获殊荣沉香产品,并为所有人创造更佳价值的企业组织。