源自狂犬病病毒糖蛋白(rabies virus glycoprotein, RVG)的多肽具有高度嗜神经性, 能够特异性结合CNS 中的烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nicotinic acetylcholine recep-tor, nAChR), 可通过受体介导的转胞吞(receptor-mediated transcytosis, RMT) 机制穿过BBB将缀合的核酸、蛋白质分子递送至特异性组织、细胞中。 RVG 肽还能结合CNS药物递送载体外泌体、纳米颗粒, 赋予其CNS 靶向特性。 该文就RVG 肽来源、靶向机制及其结合外泌体、纳米颗粒进行CNS靶向递送进行综述, 这为CNS治疗 …
Cell-Penetrating and Targeted Peptides Delivery Systems as …
Amid the naturally occurring CPPs, virus-derived peptides have revolutionised targeted drug delivery across the BBB. A rabies virus glycoprotein (RVG-29) readily docks to the nicotinic acetylcholine (nAChR) receptor located on the endothelial cell lining and neuronal cells, thus facilitating its penetration across the BBB . Overexpression of ...
Development of Novel Therapeutics Targeting the Blood–Brain …
Exosomes that express a fusion protein of rabies virus glycoprotein (RVG) peptide, a short (29 amino acid) peptide derived from the RVG, could cross the BBB and specifically target brain cells. Systemic administration of RVG exosomes that carried siRNA against BACE1 substantially reduced levels of BACE1 mRNA expression in the brain, leading to ...
狂犬病毒糖蛋白中多肽片段作为脑靶向药物载体的研究进展 - 知乎
2023年11月4日 · 结果表明,rvg29-cys和壳聚糖结合的纳米载体能够有效地传送β-半乳糖苷酶穿过bbb,并在脑部保持生物活性。rvg肽和壳聚糖的协同效应明显增强了β-半乳糖苷酶在脑部的相对疗效并提高了累积时间。这种转运载体是向脑内转运蛋白质的另一种方法。 6.2 基因载体
Efficient neuronal targeting and transfection using RVG and …
2020年5月1日 · The feasibility of Liposome-RVG-Tf to cross BBB and transfect brain cells was demonstrated using an in vitro triple co-culture BBB model. Liposome-RVG-Tf encapsulating chitosan-pGFP complexes showed significantly (p < 0.05) higher ability to cross in vitro BBB and deliver pDNA into primary neuronal cells compared to unmodified liposomes and ...
基于RVG肽的中枢神经系统靶向递送策略进展 - 搜狐
2023年6月27日 · 源自狂犬病病毒糖蛋白 (rabies virus glycoprotein, RVG)的多肽具有高度嗜神经性, 能够特异性结合CNS中的烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体 (nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, nAChR), 可通过受体介导的转胞吞 (receptor-mediated transcytosis, RMT)机制穿过BBB将缀合的核酸、蛋白质分子递送至特异性组织、细胞中。RVG肽还能结合CNS药物递送载体外泌体、纳米颗粒, 赋予其CNS靶向特性。该文就RVG肽来源、靶向机制及其结合外泌体、纳米颗粒进行CNS靶向递送进行综 …
基于RVG肽的中枢神经系统靶向递送策略进展-杭州专肽生物技术有 …
源自狂犬病病毒糖蛋白(rabies virus glycoprotein, RVG)的多肽具有高度嗜神经性, 能够特异性结合CNS中的烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, nAChR), 可通过受体介导的转胞吞(receptor-mediated transcytosis, RMT)机制穿过BBB将缀合的核酸、蛋白质分子递送至特异性组织 ...
干货分享|脑神经靶向RVG修饰工程化外泌体应用 - 知乎
脑部药物递送需要考虑血脑屏障( blood-brain barrier,BBB) 通透性、脑靶向性和生物安全性等方面。 由于外泌体具有高递送效率、低免疫原性、良好的生物相容性和易穿过血脑屏障BBB等特点,因此被认为是新一代的药物…
RVG (RVG29)狂犬病病毒肽(脑靶向肽) - 上海懋康生物科技有限 …
rvg通过achr介导的内吞作用有效穿透血脑屏障(bbb)进入大脑[2]。 生物可降解的聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)修饰的RVG用作神经元细胞的靶向配体能促进基因运输到大脑[3]。
Efficient neuronal targeting and transfection using RVG and
2020年5月1日 · Liposome-RVG-Tf efficiently translocated across in vitro BBB model and, consecutively, transfected primary neuronal cells. Notably, brain-targeted liposomes promoted in vivo BBB permeation. These studies suggest that modifications of liposomes with brain-targeting ligands are a promising strategy for delivery of genes to brain.
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