BB-Edit, a save editor for Battle Brothers
well, you can find all the UI icons for items also in the BBedit files. C:\Battle Brothers - Lindwurm\BB-Edit win32-x64\BB-Edit win32-x64\resources\app\ui there will be folders there for each type of item. the numbers listed in the file name of the icon, like "inventory_body_armor_16.png"
BBedit :: Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition General Discussions - Steam …
2015年5月14日 · BBedit is apparently old news. The guy that made it seems to have stopped supporting/caring about it and has passworded his ftp server where the thing exists. I searched all of google for a mirror but couldn't find one.
BB-Edit, a save editor for Battle Brothers
2020年8月20日 · Google Drive folder From 1.5.* it's for patch with B&E, WotN and Balding Desserts DLCs. No, I will not make this compatible with X mod. If you want to apply a patch (presuming your version is lower than the patch), you have to extract the patch archive into resources/app folder of your bb-edit.
Useful tools: BB-Edit, Perk Calculator, Wikia
2021年2月8日 · NOTE: Hi everyone! I'm merging several topics with useful tools together in this one. In each case, I'm adding the link to download the tool itself, but also to the original topic, in case you want to comment on them or leave a suggestion].
BB-Edit updated to the 'Of Flesh and Faith' DLC
2022年4月12日 · I am not the official developer of this tool, but as it seems to be no longer updated, I took the task upon myself, so all the roleplayers, experimentalists etc. out there can play around after the latest patch.
BB-Edit, a save editor for Battle Brothers :: Battle Brothers General ...
Google Drive folder From 1.5.* it's for patch with B&E, WotN and Balding Desserts DLCs. No, I will not make this compatible with X mod. If you want to apply a patch (presuming your version is lower than the patch), you have to extract the …
BB-Edit update needed :: Battle Brothers General Discussions
2022年3月14日 · BB-Edit works fine. For the latest patch you have to extract the patch archive into resources/app folder of your bb-edit.
BBedit for Chaos :: Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition General Discussions
BBedit for Chaos Has anyone a link to the bbedit for Chaos edition ? The links I find are dead or don't ...
BB-Edit --> can we increase inventory size?
I did read that some ppl use BBedit to change the number of slots but they did not say how. It is possible? if yes pls tell how --> step by step (and slow ;) ) I;m sure not only me love to gather named items - we hamsters need help!:D
Hex stats editing help needed :: Battle Brothers General Discussions
2019年5月4日 · I'm fooling around with my brothers' stats thanks to a Hex editor but I can't seem to find any indication of the values needed for the stats to be higher than 100. Often times the guides just use 100 as a benchmark, with the values 64 00 representing it. If anyone knows what I would need to enter in place of those 64 00 to get a stat to 150 or even 200, I'd be grateful. …