Direct Interfacial Charge Transfer in All-Polymer Donor–Acceptor ...
After depositing BBL under the P3HT layer, a significant decrease of PL intensity was observed, indicating charge transfer from the LUMO of P3HT to the LUMO of BBL. Therefore, the donor and acceptor have sufficient coupling for indirect interfacial CT. The same coupling could facilitate direct CT as well.
Ground-state electron transfer in all-polymer donor–acceptor ...
2020年3月9日 · P3HT–BBL and PBTTT–BBL interfaces show almost identical vacuum level shifts (0.45 eV), indicating a similar amount of electron transfer from the two donors to BBL.
Negatively‐Doped Conducting Polymers for Oxygen Reduction …
2020年12月13日 · BBL exhibits a true electrocatalytic activity on oxygen reduction reaction (low overpotential and high currents) superior to the benchamark p-doped conducting polymer electrode PEDOT. BBL is a versatile ORR electrode material as it is active in a wide pH range.
We characterized the P3HT/BBL heterojunction using UV−vis−near-IR spectroscopy. A bulk heterojunction (BHJ) was implemented here to maximize the interfacial areas23and thereby to enhance any interfacial transitions.
Conductive polymers and metal oxide polymeric composites for ...
2020年1月1日 · In most cases, the semiconducting polymer increases the conductivity of the solution and presents the opportunity to make an insulating polymer electroactive. Common polymers of this type include P3HT poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) as a p-type polymer and conjugated ladder polymer BBL poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline) as an n-type. •
Molecular design strategies for high-performance organic ...
2021年9月5日 · Among the third-generation semiconducting polymers for OECTs, the most unique n-type polymer is poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline) (BBL) 71 (Figure 7A). BBL is a ladder-type polymer with high rigidity and planarity of the π-conjugated polymer backbone, leading to high EA.
林雪平大学Simone Fabiano课题组《Adv. Funct. Mater.》:高掺杂 …
2022年2月12日 · bbl 是一种性能优异的 n 型导电聚合物,其超高的电化学稳定性是一系列原位表征手段的基础。 电化学掺杂是通过栅压将离子注入到导电聚合物中,导电聚合物为了维持本身的电中性,与注入离子电性相反的电荷从另一端电极注入到导电聚合物中,从而实现了 ...
林雪平大学有机电子实验室AM:分子量对共轭聚合物电化学晶体管性能的影响 …
2021年12月25日 · 作者发现,p型聚合物P (g42T-T)与n型聚合物高分子量BBL (BBL152)的阈值电压非常匹配;通过调节有机电化学晶体管沟道层的厚度,两者展现出完全平衡的载流子传输。 因此,作者加工了基于P (g42T-T)与BBL152的互补电化学晶体管反相器。 该反相器可以在低至0.1 V的电压下工作,可实现约3 V/V的电压增益;在0.7 V的电压下工作时,其电压增益超过100 V/V;器件的静态功耗在2 nW以下,动态功耗低于3 μW。 这些特性使该反相器成为已报道的表现最好的 …
P3HT:超简单聚合物给体助力OSC性能不断突破 - 知乎
研究发现,基于P3HT:TrBTIC的混合OSC溶液在老化40分钟后,活性层共混物达到了最优化的相分离形貌,从而有利于激子解离和电荷传输,最终的设备PCE达到了8.25%,这在目前看来仍然是很高的效率。 对于P3HT来说,尽管目前基于其所制备的OSC的效率不如基于PM6等热门聚合物给体材料。 但是另一方面,P3HT的合成方法简单明了,易于大量生产,而且其最高最低空位分子轨道能级可以确保有效的电荷转移。 目前,基于P3HT的大面积,卷对卷制造技术已经得到广泛开 …
Morphology Control of Monomer–Polymer Hybrid Electron …
2022年2月4日 · In this study, by incorporating the carrier manager ladder polymer BBL as the third component in a conventional two-component power generation layer consisting of P3HT—the conventional polythiophene derivative and titanium alkoxide—we demonstrate that the phase-separated structure of bulk heterojunction solar cells can be controlled.