BBRAE | Teen Titans Go! Wiki | Fandom
"BBRAE" is the 12th and 13th episodes of the fourth season of Teen Titans Go!, and the 169th and 170th overall episodes of the series. Part 1: Beast Boy writes a song to tell Raven how he feels about her. Part 2: Beast Boy goes on tour with his song, but it upsets Raven.
Category:BBRae Arc | Teen Titans Go! Wiki | Fandom
This category contains episodes of Teen Titans Go! that focuses heavily on Beast Boy and Raven's relationship of love and adds onto its overall arc.
BBRAEBDAY | Teen Titans Go! Wiki | Fandom
"BBRAEBDAY" is the 43rd episode in the sixth season of Teen Titans Go!, and the 306th overall episode of the series. Raven's demon side has the same birthday as Beast Boy, so the Titans go to the world of Azarath to celebrate her sinister sixteen. It's once again Beast Boy's birthday, and he and his pals are having a rooftop dance party.
All About Rae Song | Teen Titans GO! | Cartoon Network
Jam with Beast Boy as he sings his funny song "All About Rae" to Raven in this clip from the episode, "BBRAE: Pt. 1."CN GAMES: http://bit.ly/CNGamesSUBSCRIBE...
类似的剧情在ttg里有,懂的都懂. S2泰拉登场,并以卧底身份加入泰坦,bb对她一见钟情,各种喜欢各种爱。 S2E10里泰坦们转转盘来决定谁吃最后一块披萨时,泰拉幸运中奖,然后“受邀发表获奖感言”。 地球的脸是bb。 但有个小细节,旁边还有个月球,那脸是渡鸦的。 这一幕我有点懵,我不知道为啥要放一张渡鸦的臭脸在旁边。 说她不爽/不信任泰拉吧,明明在前几集渡鸦与泰拉已经和解。 说是吃醋吧,我也妹看出来渡鸦在之前有喜欢bb的迹象(这里的“喜欢”指的是迪星互相 …
【少年泰坦出击】BBRAE 完整版 Lyric Video - 哔哩哔哩
【完整版】TTG中BB为Raven唱的那首Catching Villains被我找到了!!!BB的歌好听啊!
BBRae - Shipping Wiki | Fandom
BBRae is the het ship between Garfield Logan and Rachel Roth from the DC Comics and Teen Titans fandoms. When Raven was first introduced, she was older than Beast Boy and they were only friends at...
「少年泰坦/英配」bbrae发糖啦 - 哔哩哔哩
ttg&tt (1/4) 自动连播. 7.7万播放 ... 「少年泰坦」bbrae发糖啦. 16:02 ttgo|当Sold Out遇上Raven. 02:32 BBRae Forever. 02:36 少年悍将go 感受音乐|来看人皮兽唱歌 ...
Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: BBRAE - DC Database
BBRAE is an episode of season 4 of Teen Titans Go!. It premiered on February 20, 2017. Featured Characters: Teen Titans Beast Boy Raven Cyborg Robin Starfire Supporting Characters: Batman...
BBRAE in TTG's 8th Season - "Looking for Love", "Always Be ...
2023年4月4日 · BBRAE in TTG's 8th Season - "Looking for Love", "Always Be Crimefighting", and "Easter Annihilation" #teentitansgo #bbrae #2023 #season8 I show and tell the BBRAE moments I've noticed...