Bering Catamaran BC80 | Aluminium Expedition Long Range
Crafted from high-strength aluminum, the BC80 boasts exceptional strength, efficiency, and a level of luxurious comfort unmatched by any other catamaran in its size range. The Bering BC80 is a true explorer’s dream. With standard 700 horsepower engines, it effortlessly reaches speeds of up to 15 knots.
2023年2月14日 · ∠bac=80=∠b,ac=bc, 以bc为边作正 bce,连ae, ∠abe=80-60=20=∠acd, ab=cd,be=bc=ac, abe≌ acd, ∠aeb=∠cad,∠ace=40,∠cae=∠cea=70, ∠aeb=10, ∠adb=20+10=30度。
#bc80ab Color Hex
#bc80ab color RGB value is (188,128,171). #bc80ab hex color red value is 188, green value is 128 and the blue value of its RGB is 171. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #bc80ab hue: 0.88 , saturation: 0.31 and the lightness value of bc80ab is 0.62.
已知∠A≡20°,∠B=80°,AB=AC,AD=BC,求∠BCD的度数。 答案 …
答案是70度,要坐3条辅助线,求完整解答。 解:作∠BAE=∠B=80 (点E在直线AC的外侧),取AE=AB,连接DE、CE∵∠B=80, ∠A=20∴∠ACB=180-∠B-∠A=80∵.
三角形ABC中,∠C=80度,AC+CD=AB,∠ADC=70度,求∠B是多 …
2023年2月6日 · 三角形ABC中,∠C=80度,AC+CD=AB,∠ADC=70度,求∠B是多少度? 粉丝解法4: 设∠B=θ。 CD/AC=sin30°/sin70° AB/AC=sin80°/sinθ 代入到AC+CD=AB中: 1+sin30°/sin70°=sin80°/sinθ sinθ=sin80°/(1+sin30°/sin70°) =sin80°sin70°/(sin70°+sin30°) =sin80°cos20°/(2sin50°cos20°) =sin80°/(2cos40°) =sin40° ∠B=40°.
如图. ABC中.∠ABC=∠ACB=80°.D.E分别是AB.AC上的 …
分析:作∠bcf=60°,分别交ab、be于点f、g,构造出等边三角形 bcg,可以求出∠dcf与∠fce的度数,并利用角边角证明 abe与 acf全等,根据全等三角形对应边相等得到be=cf,然后求出 fge也是等边三角形,再根据等边三角形的角的度数证明ef∥bc,推出∠afe=80°,根据 ...
2009年6月10日 · 在三角形abc中,ab=ac,角a是80度,角abc内有点p,已知角pbc=10度,角pcb=30度,求角pac的度数? 作等边三角形abd,使得∠dac是锐角,连结cd。 则:ab=bd=ad,∠abd=∠bad=60°。 ∵ab=ac,∠bac=80°, ∴ad=ac,∠dac=80°-60°=20°, ∠abc=50°=∠acb ∴∠acd=∠adc=1/2×(180°-20°)=80°
如图,三角形ABC中,AB=AC,角BAC=80°,O为三角形ABC内一 …
ab=ac则∠abc=∠acb=50° 所以:∠abo=40°,∠bco=30° 在三角形aoc中x2+x3+20°=180° 1) 而:x1+x2=80° 2) x3+x4+140°=360° 3) x1+x4+40°=180° 4) 四式解得:x1=70°
In ∆ ABC, BC = AB and ∠B = 80°. Then ∠A is equal to - Cuemath
In ∆ ABC, BC = AB and ∠B = 80°. Then ∠A is equal to. Solution: From the question, In ∆ ABC, BC = AB and ∠B = 80°. As BC = AB, ∆ ABC is an isosceles triangle. Consider ∠C = ∠A = x. ∠B = 80° [Given] Using the angle sum property. We know that the sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°. ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°. Let us substitute the values.
2023年2月12日 · acd外接圆半径1,则adb中, ad=2sin80,ab=2sin70+2sin30。 正弦定理得sinx/ad=sind/ab,代入 sinx=2sin80*sin110/(2sin70+1)。 计算器反三角函数x是40°