BC-348 - Wikipedia
The BC-348 is an American-made communications receiver, which was mass-produced during World War II for the U.S. Army Air Force. Under the joint Army-Navy nomenclature system, the receiver system became known as the AN/ARR-11.
Signal Corps BC-348Q - Ohio University
The Signal Corps BC-348Q is a WW II vintage U S Army Air Corps receiver with a VLF band covering 200 to 500 KHz and five HF bands covering 1.5 to 18.5 MHz. The manual for the BC-348Q and its J and N brothers can be found on several websites including BAMA. See the links on the home page for PDF copies. Here is .
Here I describe the restoration of an American receiver from the second world war (WWII), the RCA-BC348-R. The BC-348 was used in almost all american bomber and reconnaisance aircraft together with the transmitters BC-349 or BC-375. The receiver is wellknown and quite popular among collectors and museums.
BC-348 - RadioNerds
2015年2月28日 · Related Files BC-348 Datasheet AN 08-10-209 Handbook of Maintenance Instructions for Radio Receivers BC-348-E BC-348-M BC-348-O BC-348-P BC-348-S BC-224-E BC-224-G BC-224-H BC-224-L 1 March 1944 TO 08-10-119 Operation and Maintenance BC-348-E BC-348-M BC-348-P 15 December 1942 TO 12R2-3BC-112 Handbook of Maintenance Instructions for Radio ...
another Signal Corps BC-348Q - Ohio University
Designed for the Signal Corps, the BC-348 is a World War II receiver for the U.S. Army Air Corps. The BC-348 was used as the long-distance liaison receiver for large aircraft such as the B-17 and other bombers in World War II and into the early 1950's.
Designed by RCA in the mid-1930s to U.S. Army Signal Corps specifications for a 14-volt DC powered aircraft receiver (in all likelyhood to be used with the BC-191 transmitter it already had), the first production BC-224 by RCA was the BC-224-A. Based on Air Corps experience with the BC-224-A, RCA redesigned the receiver to include four separate ...
BC-348 Mil Re MILITARY U.S. different makers for same model, …
BC-348 Mil Re MILITARY U.S. different makers for same model, build 1940–1946, 52 pictures, 28 schematics, 8 tubes, United States of America
Radio Receiver BC-348-J BC-348-N BC-348-Q - radiomilitari.com
Radio Receivers BC-348-J, BC-348-N and BC-348-Q are locally controlled, eight tube, six-band superheterodyne receivers for use in U.S. Army aircraft. They cover A frequency range of from …
BC-348 FAQ – Mark's Tech Journal
The BC-348 was the main HF receiver in US Airforce bomber aircraft in WW2, in conjunction with the BC-375 and ART-13 transmitters. The original design was the BC-224 (US Army Signal Corps) and the BC-348 was the adaptation for the requirements of the Army Airforce.
BC-348 WWII MW/SW Receiver - eHam.net
2019年11月3日 · After some 80+ years, the BC-348's are still on the air in numerous locations. They can be made to function with minimal work, with the proper documentation. The late …