BCC Kenya
The British Chamber of Commerce Kenya provides essential insights into accessing the Kenyan market and fostering partnerships with the UK.
BCC Kenya
Welcome to the British Chamber of Commerce in Kenya. The Chamber gives members privileged access to a high-profile business network. BCCK has a growing list of over 300 active members ranging from FTSE 100 companies to micro, small or medium-sized enterprise (Micro SME) working in Kenya.
Home - centre for behaviour change and communication
We do this through innovative and evidence-based interventions that address change at multiple levels and contribute towards SBC policy development and practice in Kenya and beyond. We provide locally driven solutions grounded in research, evidenced based approaches and strengthened partnerships.
British Chamber of Commerce Kenya
The British Chamber of Commerce in Kenya gives members privileged access to a high-profile business network. BCCK has a growing list of over 320 active members ranging from FTSE 100 companies to individual British consultants working in Kenya. As it stands, there are more than 200 UK companies operating in the country.
BCC Offices Contacts
Have any questions about BCC? Get in touch!
Kenya Market
The Kenya Market . Kenya is position 95 out of 140 countries ranked in the 2019 edition of the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report. The same report ranks Kenya 121 in terms of its ‘incidence of corruption’ score.
The Business Integrity Initiative
The BCCK Integrity Index Initiative is a supportive, principles-based framework. Since its inception in 2019, this program has helped build constructive dialogue on the Government’s reform agenda, maintained positive conversations around doing business in Kenya, and provided access to a range of practical integrity resources.
BCC Kenya
Kenyan businesses looking to increase and expand exports from Kenya to the UK, partner with UK businesses, and increase trade between countries. Qualifying Criteria: Applicant company must qualify against at least one of the following: British …
Toolkit - businessintegrity.bcckenya.org
Training on day-to-day bureaucratic corruption and practical resistance strategies, as well as the case for doing business with integrity. It includes a short test section. A free online training resource. Understand key integrity issues at all levels of the organisation. Ideal for remote workers during the COVID-19 lockdown.
About Bethlehem Community Centre Kenya – BCCAfrica
Bethlehem Community Centre in Kenya provides a home and education for children, aged 4 to 18, orphaned or destitute as a result of poverty, HIV/AIDS or conflict. It was founded by Pastor Mary Gakembu in 1990, with the first children’s home and primary school opened in …