BCPL - Wikipedia
BCPL ("Basic Combined Programming Language") is a procedural, imperative, and structured programming language. Originally intended for writing compilers for other languages, BCPL is no longer in common use.
GitHub - SergeGris/BCPL-compiler: The BCPL compiler, based on …
As a real, working computer language implementation, that can be studied, modified, and played with, the classic BCPL compiler has a good deal to recommend it. The compiler frontend consists of only about 2000 lines of BCPL code, and (as supplied here) compiles to a static (fully-linked) x86 binary that is less than 36000 bytes in size.
GitHub - 8l/bcpl: BCPL is a simple typeless language that was …
NATIVE CODE A BCPL system that generates native is now available in this distribution. It currently only provides code generators for the i386 and DEC Alpha architectures. On these machines it gives a speed up of about a factor of ten.
BCPL - University of Cambridge
BCPL is a simple typeless language that was designed in 1966 by Martin Richards and implemented for the first time at MIT in the Spring of 1967. A machine independent interpretive implementation of BCPL is available free of charge for private and academic purposes.
History of BCPL — Software Preservation Group
BCPL—the languages and systems built with it—connects the first few generations of computer scientists and software engineers, spanning mainframes to minis to micros. It was driven from the UK, but with a tributary into the heart of US research institutions, where it begat C, the most popular systems programming language of all time.
This paper describes how the programming language BCPL developed from the work on the design and implementation of CPL. It shows that BCPL is essentially just CPL with all the difficult bits removed and with just a few extensions. The CPL project lasted from early 1962 to December 1966 and the first outline of BCPL appeared in 1966.
BCPL编程入门与实践指南 - 极简博客
2020年4月22日 · 什么是bcpl编程语言? BCPL(Basic Combined Programming Language)是一种高级编程语言,于1966年由Martin Richards在剑桥大学开发。 BCPL是C语言和很多脚本语言的先驱,革新了现代编程语言的...
"Hello world" in the BCPL language on the Xerox Alto simulator
The first programming language for the Xerox Alto was BCPL, the language that led to C. This article shows how to write a BCPL "Hello World" program using Bravo, the first WYSIWYG text editor, and run it on the Alto simulator. The Xerox Alto is the legendary minicomputer from 1973 that helped set the direction for personal computing.
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BCPL is often described as a "systems programming language". This makes BCPL sound very grand and technical, but this is not the case. BCPL is certainly a very good language for writing programs such as operating systems, compilers and word processors but the features that make BCPL ideal for these
BCPL - acearchive.org
2023年2月22日 · BCPL was a multi-paradigm programming language that combined procedural, imperative, and structured programming styles. Its unique features included using curly braces to delimit code blocks, a feature that is now standard in many modern programming languages.