Samsung BD-Wise, On or Off??? - AVS Forum
2009年4月3日 · From the Samsung BD-P1600 manual, page 46 or thereabouts: BD Wise (Samsung products only) BD Wise is Samsung's latest inter-connectivity feature. When you …
Is "BD wise" option worth it?????????? - AVS Forum
2012年3月22日 · The first thing I noticed watching the first Blueray movie (Brothers Grimm) was the picture had a new picture mode picked out all on its own: BD-Wise. I thought BD wise was …
Spears & Munsil UHD HDR Benchmark Disc - Discussion
2024年7月26日 · BD Wise: OFF! Case solved: It was the BD Wise being on - and inaccessible - in the other Samsung deck that was the culprit in not able to play the Spears. Interesting though, …
Samsung BD-E5900 - AVS Forum
2012年6月4日 · BD wise mode, from what I can tell, is a technology which provides for another 'setting' when pairing a Samsung BRD player and TV. It defaults to what it determines (don't …
Official Samsung BD-P1600 Owners/master thread - AVS Forum
2024年7月10日 · Long story short I just got my Samsung BD-P1600 in the mail as I prize, it's not yet released but rumor has been pointing to a mid March. It's my first BD player so it's kind of …
Official 2014 Samsung BD-H5100, BD-H5900, & BD-H6500 Blu
2006年12月7日 · I just purchased the BD-H6500 blu ray player for my new UN60HU8550 Television. Im trying to play a 3d blu ray at 4k resolution. But everytime I start the movie its in …
Samsung BD-wise with Denon AVR-591 - AVS Forum
2010年12月6日 · Hello All. I am new to the forum and to the world of HDTV. I recently purchased the following setup: Samsung UN55C7000 TV Samsung BD-C6900 BD Player Denon AVR …
Samsung BD-ES6000 - AVS Forum
2012年2月28日 · Just bought a BD-6000 from ABT for $179.00. I will post my views when I get it. Samsung Black 3D Blu-ray Disc Player, Model BDES6000 Get maximum 3D Blu-ray™ thrills …
Help: Samsung HT-E5500 keeps changing source | Page 8 | AVS
2017年6月1日 · When tv take the sound out though ht-e5530 I don't hear anything I have a Smart TV samsung and an ht -E5530, bought together, it work fine 2 year, but now I can't use it to …
OFFICIAL Samsung 4k HU8550 and HU9000 thread - AVS Forum
2004年8月8日 · However when a signal is received from a BD Wise enabled Samsung device such as the BD-F7500 Blu-Ray Player with the option turned ON, the TV automatically …