Eight Cylinders of the BDC: Culture by Corbyn Denson | DrivingSales
The BDC helps other departments produce revenue. Another key driver of BDC culture is to include the BDC team in your sales meetings. Encourage a working relationship between the …
DealerKnows Ratings & Reviews | DrivingSales Vendor Ratings
DealerKnows, founded by Joe Webb, offers dealerships hands-on digital marketing consulting and BDC/Internet sales training to help them improve online HCM University Community Events …
How to Create a BDC Manager Scorecard - drivingsales.com
Introduction to BDC Manager Scorecards: Bart, J.D., and Craig begin by emphasizing the importance of the BDC manager role, highlighting its dual focus on sales and service teams. …
About Roberto Prohias | DrivingSales
Log in to view Roberto Prohias’s job experience, education, and blogs. You will also be able to connect and get in touch with them.
Evan Elliott Blog | DrivingSales
BDC. With AutoLoop Essentials and Book, your BDC will have a powerful new tool, creating accountability and maximizing performance. Easy-to-use dashboards and filters enhance …
TK Carsites Ratings & Reviews | DrivingSales Vendor Ratings
TK Carsites is known as a “best-in-class” service provider with multiple industry awards for its high-performance websites, search engine optimiza
DrivingSales | Forums | Internet-bdc | Tradein-email-templates
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Internet-bdc | Dealer-inspire-vs-dealer-eprocess - DrivingSales
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J&L Marketing Ratings & Reviews | DrivingSales Vendor Ratings
J&L Marketing’s automotive equity data mining and lead generation, sales events, customer pay service clinics, data management and data analytics, email, direct mail, microsites and virtual …
Dealer LOGIX Ratings & Reviews | DrivingSales Vendor Ratings
Vehicle service customers across the country are experiencing the ease and comfort of the Dealer LOGIX® sales process. Developed in 2005 by Denver’s Mark Brandon, Dealer LOGIX® …