Gender Locked Classes? Seriously? - Classes - The Black Desert …
2015年12月9日 · Gender Locked Classes? Seriously? Announcements. IMPORTANT - REACH US IN THE NEW FORUM 05/04/2017. Ladies ...
Crafted costumes (female) collection - General - The Black Desert …
2016年12月5日 · Any characters event stuff with time less then that should NOT be merged into the main characters account. Doing this would prevent destabilizing an economy and giving a massive boost to people whose only investment was to …
How do you Turn OFF the "Action Combo Guide"?
2017年5月4日 · the "Knowledge" system in bdo is unique... a "reputation" system and the "Karma" system are 100% different. You cant go. Negative knowledge.. you only gain knowledge... and Karma is strictly 100% related to pvp and pk... Reputation is in games like Wow... where you gain faction with different societies and races. the Knowledge system is person by person based. …
Some cool info about EXP Tables in BDO - Page 2 - Guides - The …
2016年2月13日 · Remember me Not recommended on shared computers . Sign in anonymously . Sign In. Forgot your password?
Can't mount my horse. - General - The Black Desert Online
2016年4月22日 · Some of us like roleplaying with our long, hard rod. Don't judge.Sounds very fishy to me....
T9 Pegasus Guide - Anleitungen - The Black Desert Online
2017年4月30日 · Hallo Zusammen!Da wir vermutlich relativ bald, eines der T9 Pferde bekommen, dachte ich mir, dass ich einen post aus dem englischen Forum mal ins deutsche ü...
Name Availability Check - Suggestions - The Black Desert Online
2016年7月29日 · *New features and amazing tools are waiting for you, even more is yet to come in the future.. just like world exploration in BDO leads to new possibilities. So don't be afraid about changes, click the link above and follow us! Enjoy and see you on the other side!
ScreenShot folder? - General - The Black Desert Online
2016年11月8日 · I rerolled kuno from TET geared lvl 60 sorc and I don't regret kuno is amazing in both pvp and pve, but 5 times harder then sorc to master. Just look what skills sets and play style you like more and go master that class don't bother with pvp until you are at least lvl 59, train your muscle memory on mobs first, then go arena for a week or two non stop.Gear up and you are …
Mainquest trouble "Moving Ahead" - PVE - The Black Desert Online
2017年5月4日 · *New features and amazing tools are waiting for you, even more is yet to come in the future.. just like world exploration in BDO leads to new possibilities. So don't be afraid about changes, click the link above and follow us! Enjoy and see you on the other side!
List of good looking houses in Valencia
2016年8月17日 · *New features and amazing tools are waiting for you, even more is yet to come in the future.. just like world exploration in BDO leads to new possibilities. So don't be afraid about changes, click the link above and follow us! Enjoy and see you on the other side!