战地3BOT官方完整版教程(后附注释链接) - 哔哩哔哩
您现在可以安装的《战地风云3 Venice Unleashed》的最佳模组之一是Joe91 的 AI-Bot-Mod(注意一下,这是模组下载网址,打不开可以多试几回:https://github.com/Joe91/fun-bots/tags),它允许您使用 AI 驱动的机器人在您的战地 3 专用服务器上进行自定义比赛。 使用此模组,您可以在玩团队死斗、征服或突袭游戏模式时在许多受支持的地图上生成机器人。 机器人完全有能力驾驶坦克、投掷医疗包和弹药补给,并且能够在试图占领目标的同时与敌方玩家交战。 在本指南中, …
GitHub - SquarerFive/bf3-bots: AI mod for BF3, preserving the …
AI mod for BF3, this is an attempt to recreate BF2-like bots. This mod is currently in development, some features may not function as intended (such as project export). Bots can provide each other ammo or health (when they are at a critical state). Conquest, Conquest Assault, TDM and Domination support. Multi-layer navigation mesh.
How to play with bots in Battlefield 3 - Steam Community
2024年8月1日 · In this guide, i will be showing you how to download and install the fun-bots mod for Battlefield 3 by using Venice Unleashed....
Releases · SquarerFive/bf3-bots - GitHub
2021年2月7日 · AI mod for BF3, preserving the game and reviving the Battlefield 2 experience. - Releases · SquarerFive/bf3-bots
GitHub - Joe91/fun-bots: A highly customizable and configurable bot …
This is a mod for Venice Unleashed to bring highly configurable and intelligent virtual bots to your Battlefield 3 server. Do you enjoy this mod? Feel free to Donate
VU - Experience Battlefield 3 like never before!
VU /vi:ju:/ is a community-oriented Battlefield 3 modding platform that gives you back control of your gaming experience. Host your own dedicated servers, with full control over them. Configure them in any way you want to provide your players with a unique experience.
战地3 VUmod Bot服搭建及问题解决指南 - 百度贴吧
本Mod的Bot已经可以到处走动并射击敌方,并且bot可以驾驶载具。 如果你觉得bot路径不行,你也可以自己亲自设定bot的行动路径。 目前95%地图已经支持在所有模式中自动添加Bot,并且支持Bot载具。
[VU]战地3BOT人机教程全网最详细教程 - 哔哩哔哩
【战地3】单机bot的 AI路径 制作方法,可以在原本没有ai的地图里使用ai(游戏内按F1打开菜单)
[VU]战地3人机fun-bots模组2.90版本大更新讲解 - 哔哩哔哩
Fun-bots - TDM - AI - Bots for BF3-VU - VU Community Forums
2021年1月16日 · fun-bots. This is a mod for Venice Unleashed to bring highly configurable and intelligent virtual bots to your Battlefield 3 server. Do you enjoy our work? Feel free to donate. SUMMARY! Quite fun to use bots on different maps and gamemodes! Bots can walk around and shoot and attack enemy using grenades, RPGs and other weaponry. Which maps are ...
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