M27 IAR - Battlefield Wiki
2012年6月4日 · The M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) features a heavier, longer barrel and an extended magazine to enable greater amounts of suppressive fire while retaining some of the …
進度 - hellcrusader_x - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
M27 IAR - Battlefield 3 Guide - IGN
The M27 IAR (Infantry Automatic Rifle) is a US Squad Automatic Weapon. Designed by German weapon manufacturer Heckler & Koch in 2008. It uses the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. This …
The Armory: M27 IAR Weapon Guide | Battlefield 3 …
In today's episode of The Armory, I begin reviewing the LMGs in Battlefield 3, starting with the M27 IAR.If you have missed any past "The Armory" videos, he...
M27, RPK, L86, or MG36? - Battlefield 3 - GameFAQs
I like the RPK itself, but in terms of performance it's terrible. It's a shame DICE crapped on most of the Russian weapons in BF3. They're my next favorite behind H&K. I'd sure love me a...
Battlefield 3 M27 IAR Review Excellent Gun - YouTube
The M27 is the primary weapon featured in the support class and is one of my most used weapons. I despaly a wide range of clips featuring its capabilities and offer my review of the …
M27 IAR - Battlefield3 攻略 Wiki - bf3.swiki.jp
アメリカ海兵隊がIAR(Infantry Automatic Rifle)計画に基づき、M249の後継の支援火器として採用したのがM27 IAR である。 IAR計画は海兵隊が機関銃手の機動性向上のた …
BF3 m27 small pack addon - Mod DB
The M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) is a lightweight, magazine-fed 5.56mm weapon used by the United States Marine Corps. It is intended to enhance an automatic rifleman's …
M27 IAR : r/battlefield3 - Reddit
2011年11月21日 · That's the last unlock, getting to use the iar and rpk with either faction. I think it's 170k. Reply surefire1982 • Additional comment actions
M27 IAR - BATTLEFIELD 3 Wiki - BF3 Wiki - atwiki(アットウィ …
2013年5月10日 · アメリカ海兵隊がM249の後継として採用している分隊支援火器。 軽量かつ5.56mm弾を使用する銃をコンセプトとし、IAR (Infantry Automatic Rifle)計画の下で開発さ …