BFRO Geographical Database of Bigfoot Sightings & Reports
This comprehensive database of credible sightings and related reports is maintained by an all-volunteer network of bigfoot/sasquatch researchers, archivists, and investigators in the United States and Canada--the BFRO.
Reports for New York - BFRO.NET
State map of individual report locations (requires Adobe SVG Viewer plug-in for your browser) State terrain & political maps with report totals & population density by county
The Bigfoot Mapping Project | www.bigfootmap.com
Viewers can see and interact with a map that displays data and location of crowdsourced Bigfoot Sightings. www.bigfootmap.com
Reports for Georgia - BFRO.NET
State map of individual report locations (requires Adobe SVG Viewer plug-in for your browser) State terrain & political maps with report totals & population density by county
SquatchMap - north-ross.github.io
This map displays the locations of over 4000 reports of encounters with bigfoot/sasquatch creatures, collected and curated by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Association (BFRO). Please note that the report locations are known to be somewhat innacurate and are not endorsed by …
Mangani's Bigfoot Maps
Recompiled regional sample maps for this web site to include only BFRO reports of creature sightings. While the map data files include reports of tracks and audible encounters and sighting reports from other organizations, these have been left out of the regional maps to minimize clutter at the scale displayed.
Looking for Bigfoot? New Map Shows Where to Search
2013年9月19日 · Reported sightings of Bigfoot — the legendary apelike creature that's been a favorite of cryptozoologists for decades — have abounded for decades. Now, for the first time, someone has created a...
Bigfoot Sightings and Density of the US with Biomes - ArcGIS
Home. − Zoom Out. Bigfoot Sightings and Density of the US with Biomes
BFRO.NET - Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
Founded in 1995 -- The only scientific research organization exploring the bigfoot/sasquatch mystery. Wasn't this all shown to be fake? What is a bigfoot, or sasquatch? Is there any 'physical' evidence? Why aren't there more photos? Where do they come from? How many are there? Are they dangerous?
bigfoot-sightings | Bigfoot Sightings as reported from the Bigfoot ...
Bigfoot Sighting Map. The webpage bigfoot-map.html is a Leaflet map of Bigfoot sighting location reports in the United States of America. It uses a clustered marker visualization as the individual sightings con be located in quite dense clusters.