Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 6.24 - Online Vedabase
“One can execute the process of bhakti-yoga successfully with full-hearted enthusiasm, perseverance and determination, by following the prescribed duties in the association of devotees and by engaging completely in activities of goodness.” (Upadeśāmṛta 3)
BG 6.24-25: Chapter 6, Verse 24-25 – Bhagavad Gita, The Song …
BG 6.24-25: Completely renouncing all desires arising from thoughts of the world, one should restrain the senses from all sides with the mind. Slowly and steadily, with conviction in the intellect, the mind will become fixed in God alone, and will think of nothing else.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6, Verse 24-25 - VivekaVani
2021年5月4日 · In the early part of this Discourse, the external aspects of meditation, like the place, the seat, and the posture, have been explained. Now, the Lord explains the internal process of Dhyana Yoga. All the desires should be given up completely. What is the source of these desires? They are born of the ego-centric will (sankalpa).
Bg 6.24 Bhagavad-gita As It Is (1972) - PrabhupadaBooks.com
One should engage oneself in the practice of yoga with undeviating determination and faith. One should abandon, without exception, all material desires born of false ego and thus control all the senses on all sides by the mind. The yoga practitioner should be determined and should patiently prosecute the practice without deviation.
Chapter 6 – Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God – Swami …
Shree Krishna continues the comparative evaluation between karm yog (the practice of spirituality while performing worldly duties) and karm sanyas (the practice of spirituality in a renounced state) in this chapter. He reiterates that karm yog is a more practicable path than karm sanyas.
BG 6th chapter by Nanda Kishore Das : Nanda Kishore Das : Free …
2020年5月20日 · BG 6.29 Perfect yogi sees Krishna in the heart of both believer and non-believer.mp3 download. 47.1M . BG 6.3 Yogic principles for a beginner and an expert.mp3 download. 63.0M . BG 6.30 We may be far away from Krishna but …
BG 6.24 || Spiritual Scientist - YouTube
Bg. 6.24 स निश्चयेन योक्तव्यो योगोऽनिर्विण्णचेतसा । सङ्कल्पप्रभवान्कामांस्त्यक्त्वा सर्वानशेषत: । मनसैवेन्द्रियग्रामं …
Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 6.24 - prabhupada.io
One should engage oneself in the practice of yoga with undeviating determination and faith. One should abandon, without exception, all material desires born of false ego and thus control all the senses on all sides by the mind. ¶. We run entirely on donations.
Chapter Six - Online Vedabase
TEXT 24: One should engage oneself in the practice of yoga with determination and faith and not be deviated from the path. One should abandon, without exception, all material desires born of mental speculation and thus control all the senses on all sides by the mind.
BG 6.24 - gitabase.com
“Seseorang dapat berhasil melaksanakan proses bhakti-yoga dengan semangat sepenuhnya, ketekunan, ketabahan hati, mengikuti tugas-tugas kewajiban yang ditetapkan dalam pergaulan bersama para penyembah dan menekuni sepenuhnya kegiatan yang bersifat kebaikan." (Upadesamrta 3)