Samsung PM971 BGA NVMe SSD Product Brief - Samsung …
The Samsung PM971 is the industry's first NVMe™ PCIe® SSD in a single BGA (Ball Grid Array) package that is amazingly small, super powerful and impressively power efficient. Ultra-compact for ultra-thin devices The PM971 contains all the essential components of an SSD—NAND flash, DRAM and controller—in one small chip.
PM991/PM991a | PC SSD | 性能及规格 | 三星半导体官网
pm991a 通过球栅阵列 (bga) 封装方式提供非凡的设计灵活性。 pm991a 是适用于超薄笔记本电脑的出色存储器解决方案,它将高能效、紧凑性与经过提升的强劲性能相结合,在小型封装中实现了高性能。 pm991a 通过球栅阵列 (bga) 封装方式提供非凡的设计灵活性。
e ultra-thin form factors. The Samsung PM971 is the industry's first NVMeTM PCIe® SSD in a single BGA (Ball Grid Array) package that is amazingly small, super powerful and i. oller—in one small chip. Its compact design is about a fifth the size of an M.2 drive, making it ideal for today's ultra-slim tablets, laptop hy.
Samsung Mass Producing Industry’s First 512-Gigabyte NVMe …
2016年5月31日 · Samsung Electronics, the world leader in advanced memory technology, announced today that it has begun mass producing the industry’s first NVMe* PCIe solid state drive (SSD) in a single ball grid array (BGA) package, for use in next-generation PCs and ultra-slim notebook PCs.
Samsung Begins Mass Production of PM971: Tiny BGA SSDs with ... - AnandTech
2016年6月1日 · Samsung this week said that it had begun mass production of its first SSDs in BGA form-factor. The PM971-NVMe tiny drive weighs about one gram, can store up to 512 GB of data and offers up to...
Samsung's 512GB SSD is fast and tiny - postage stamp tiny
2016年6月1日 · Samsung just announced a new SSD that's tiny in physical size but huge in capacity. The chip offers up 512GB storage and is the first ever to offer NVMe in a BGA package. 256GB and 128GB options...
Samsung Demos Its First BGA SSD: 1500 MB/s Read Speed and ... - AnandTech
2016年3月22日 · Samsung is aiming for tablets and 2-in-1 hybrid PCs with its BGA SSDs, The company expects device manufacturers to adopt the product in the second half of 2016 or in the first half of 2017 ...
三星量产BGA封装512GB NVMe SSD,主要面向极致超薄笔记本
2016年6月1日 · 三星这款pm971-nvme ssd采用bga封装,尺寸仅为20*16*1.5mm,从与2.5英寸和m.2接口ssd对比来看就知道有多小了,在芯片上面集成了三星主控、20nm级4gb lpddr4缓存和16块256gb的48叠层v-nand颗粒,总计512gb容量,主要面向超薄笔记本、平板。
BGA 封裝產品,Samsung PM971-NVMe SSD 進入量產
Samsung Electronics 在 5 月 31 日發布新聞稿,宣布旗下第一款 BGA 封裝的 NVMe PCIe SSD,PM971-NVMe SSD 正式進入量產階段。 目前,Samsung PM971-NVMe SSD 最大容量會是 512GB。 相較於過去 2.5 吋,或是 M.2 接口的 SSD,只有 20 x 16mm 的 BGA 封裝 SSD 可以減少裝置厚度和重量。
三星秀首款BGA封装迷你SSD:指尖上狂飙1.5GB/s - 快科技
2016年3月22日 · 在日本举行的SSD峰会上, 三星就展示了其首款BGA SSD,尽管只有单颗芯片、指尖大小,还不如一块SD卡那么大,但性能却堪比PCI-E SSD。 它的型号为“ PM971 ”,基于 三星新的Photon (光子)主控、MLC V-NAND闪存,容量 128GB、256GB、512GB,因为走的是PCI-E 3.0通道而性能彪悍: 持续读写最高1500MB/s、600MB/s,随机读写最高190000 IOPS、150000 IOPS。 三星没有披露它的内部架构设计,但这显然是最有趣的,因为一般来说要发挥主控的 …