Hydrolysis of the Borohydride Anion BH4−: A 11B NMR Study …
In hydrolysis and electro-oxidation of the borohydride anion BH4−, key reactions in the field of energy, one critical short-living intermediate is BH3OH−. When water was used as both solvent and reactant, only BH3OH− is detected by 11B NMR. By ...
Hydrolysis of the Borohydride Anion BH4−: A 11B NMR …
2022年3月18日 · In hydrolysis and electro-oxidation of the borohydride anion BH4−, key reactions in the field of energy, one critical short-living intermediate is BH3OH−. When water was used as both solvent and reactant, only BH3OH− is detected by 11B NMR.
Exchange of Hydrogen Atoms Between BH4 in LiBH4
2009年3月9日 · We report here boron-11 and hydrogen NMR measurements of the lifetime of BH 4 units in molten LiBH 4, with respect to hydrogen exchange. A well-resolved 11 B pattern of B−H J-couplings yields a lower limit of 16 ms on the BH 4 lifetime at 285 °C.
NMR Study of Reorientational Motion in Alkaline-Earth …
To study the reorientational motion of BH 4 groups in β and γ phases of Mg (BH 4) 2 and in α and β phases of Ca (BH 4) 2, we have performed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of the 1 H and 11 B spin–lattice relaxation rates in these compounds over wide ranges of temperature and resonance frequency.
The synthesis, reactivity and 1H NMR investigation of the ...
2007年9月1日 · A new, fast, one-pot method of sodium/potassium hydroxyborohydride preparation is presented, along with the 1 H NMR spectrum of hydroxyborohydride, recorded for the first time. Additionally, NMR studies demonstrated higher reactivity of hydroxyborohydride than borohydride toward acetone carbonyl.
Reorientational Motion in Alkali-Metal Borohydrides: NMR Data …
To study the reorientational motion of the BH4 groups in RbBH4 and CsBH4, we have performed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of the 1H and 11B spin–lattice relaxation rates in these compounds over wide ranges of temperature (48–400 K) …
NMR spectra of NaBH4 and NBOM·H2O milled for 36 h under …
This review describes the electrochemical behaviour of borohydride (BH4−) and metaborate (BO2−) anions in alkaline solutions.
BH4在金属硼氢化物中的核磁弛豫研究,Bulletin of ... - X-MOL
2021年9月14日 · 介绍了一种不同的核磁共振 (NMR) 弛豫方法,用于轻金属硼氢化物中 BH 4四面体的旋转运动。 以前的 NMR 弛豫研究主要使用基于四极相互作用下自旋的自旋-晶格弛豫的单指数跃迁方法的近似值进行。 在这种新方法中,通过严格考虑电四极和磁偶极对与许多质子自旋耦合的四极11 B 核的塞曼能态之间的跃迁的贡献,推导出弛豫率方程。 从我们的理论处理中得出的两个指数弛豫时间被应用于分析11LiBH 4和Ca (BH 4 ) 2 的B自旋-晶格弛豫。 从两个实验自旋-晶 …
Tautomerism and exchange in the boron hydrides; 11B and 1H NMR …
Tautomerism in the liquid phase (NMR studies) resolves certain apparent conflicts with solid phase X-ray studies. The relationship between the boron nuclear quadrupole moment and the NMR relaxation times (as influenced by tautomerism) is examined and the …
Hydrolysis of the Borohydride Anion BH4-: A 11B NMR Study …
2022年3月18日 · When water was used as both solvent and reactant, only BH 3 OH - is detected by 11 B NMR. By moving away from such conditions and using DMF as solvent and water as reactant in excess, four 11 B NMR quartets were observed.