Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association | BHMA
Learn about the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) and search for BHMA certified products.
ANSI/BHMA Standards for Builders Hardware
The Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA®) is the only organization accredited by the America National Standards Institute (ANSI) to develop and maintain performance standards for locks, closers, exit devices and other builders hardware. BHMA® currently has more than 40 ANSI/BHMA standards.
Certified Products Directory | BHMA - Builders Hardware
The BHMA Certified® Products Directory (CPD) provides an up-to-date listing of all products that have been certified to ANSI/BHMA Standards. Participation in the BHMA CPD is open to all manufacturers of builders hardware including, but not limited to, BHMA® members.
BHMA Lock Grades vs ANSI Grades - ACME Locksmith
2024年5月21日 · The BHMA lock rating is a residential lock grading system. Its aim is to simplify lock grades so that consumers can better understand them. Unlike the ANSI lock grading system which has very specific use and durability requirements, the BHMA rating gives a simple letter grade to three separate components: Security, Durability, and Finish.
Understanding BHMA Standards - ANSI Blog
2024年5月7日 · What Do BHMA Standards Cover? BHMA currently sponsors over 40 separate standards, which cover several types of hinges, locks, door closers and related hardware, exit devices, cylinders, push pads, and other input devices to lock and unlock. Standards also include pedestrian power operated doors, revolving doors and low power operators for ...
智能门锁出口欧美的法规要求 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
机械性能代码中包含了锁具机械部分适用的bhma标准号、功能类别和等级。 对于智能插芯门锁,其机械部分适用的标准为BHMA A156.13。 BHMA A156.13要求厂家对插芯锁的操作等级和安全等级分别进行宣称,宣称的等级共3级,最高为1级,最低为3级。
美国建筑五金BHMA认证 - 百家号
2024年6月7日 · BHMA (Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association 建筑五金制造商协会)成立于1925 年,主要从事研究与制定建筑小五金的产品标准及性能标准。 据不完全统计,美国本土80%五金制造商都是该协会的会员单位,有着巨大的社会及行业影响力。
The Black Healthcare & Medical Association (BHMA) is a global, independent professional membership organization for Blacks and African Americans in the healthcare and life sciences industries. BHMA is the world's #1 organization focused exclusively on the advancement of Black and African-American professionals (and their supporters) in the ...
Product Classification & Grade Levels – BHMA Standards
Many ANSI/BHMA standards define different product grades for a particular hardware item. These product grades (grade 1, 2, or 3 -- with grade 1 being the highest) are: Defined by progressive levels of performance benchmarks in each applicable ANSI/BHMA standard. Also ascertained by looking at its BHMA® product number.
2015年10月14日 · The BHMA numbers which indicate types of hardware do not identify size, finish or design and are not intended to be used without necessary supplementary information. This is a preview of "ANSI/BHMA A156.9-201...". Click …