Brain Korea 21
Brain Korea 21 (BK21) is a government scholarship program that runs every seven years since 1999 and aims to cultivate outstanding scholars who take the lead in responding to social changes.
BrainKorea21 Four - 4단계 두뇌한국21
4단계 BK21, 세계적 수준의 연구중심대학 육성 핵심 학문분야 연구역량을 제고하고, 학문후속세대 양성에 앞장서는 4단계 BK21 사업소개 바로가기
BK21 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
BK21 (+), Brain Korea 또는 두뇌한국 21 은 세계적 수준의 대학원 육성과 우수한 연구인력 양성을 위해 석사,박사과정생 및 신진연구인력 (박사후 연구원 및 계약교수)을 집중적으로 지원하는 고등교육 인력양성 사업이다.
4단계 BK21 국제학교육연구단 | About | What is BK21 ... - Korea
What is BK21? : Brain Korea 21 (BK21) is a government scholarship program for the graduate studies in Korea that runs every 7 years since 1999 and aims to cultivate outstanding scholars
21世纪智慧韩国工程 - 百度百科
21世纪智慧韩国工程(Brain Korea 21),简称“BK21”,是韩国在金大中政府和卢武铉政府时期实施的高水平大学建设计划,旨在建设世界一流研究型大学和地方优秀大学,培养富有创造性、高质量的人才资源以满足知识社会需要。
Application & Guidelines - BK21 PROGRAM
Funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea, SNU GSIS launched its BK (Brain Korea) 21 FOUR Program in September 2020, with the agenda of “Cultivating the Next Generation of Academic Leaders in Interdisciplinary Studies of International Area and Development Cooperation for a New National Strategy”.
: The Phase 4 of Brain Korea 21 Project (Henceforth BK21) is the government scholarship program for the graduate studies in Korea to promote the research-based universities in Korea. (2020.9~2027.8)
明年BK21+工程要结束了,韩国大学该何去何从? - 知乎
所谓韩国大学BK21(Brain Korea 21 Program for Leading Universities & Students)工程,可以看做跟中国211、985、双一流差不多,从1999年开始韩国政府从国家层次对重点学科和大学的财政支援,后来又增添了B…
What is BK21? BK21 (Brain Korea 21) Program : A government scholarship program for graduate students in Korea to cultivate outstanding scholars (2020.9~2027.8) Structure of BK21 Program
BK21 represents a renewed effort to give substance to special education that is relevant to Korea. The Division of Special Education publishes the Journal of Asia-Pacific Special Education (2001) and a vernacular journal Special Education: Theory and Practice (December 2000, quarterly), which aims to establish a Korea-specific special education ...