Rooke BKA Protector
The Rooke BKA Protector is a comprehensive product to protect and help patients heal after a below knee amputation surgery. The post-operative dressing it specially designed to keep the knee in a secure yet neutral-flex position and offers superior fall protection.
Rooke® BKA Rigid Protector - WoundSource
Rooke® BKA Rigid Protector protects and helps patients heal after below-knee amputation. Post-op dressing is designed to keep the knee in a secure yet neutral-flex position and offers superior wound and fall protection.
ROOKE BK Rigid Dressing w/ Soft Interface - SPSCO
The BKA RRD can be used for below-knee amputations due to vascular insufficiencies; Immediate post-op or early fitting non-weight bearing rigid dressing. Soft interface for Immediate post-op care; Knee flexion contracture immobilizing …
For more information and detailed videos of the Rooke BKA Protector, visit rookeproducts.com. • BELOW KNEE AMPUTATIONS DUE TO VASCULAR INSUFFICIENCIES. Ordering Information for the Rooke BKA . PROTECTOR • BK-406 (One Each) • HCPCS L5450 *An Entirely Latex-Free Product. Key Features: • CUSTOM FIT BY TRIMMING PROXIMAL/ DISTAL FLAPS
Below and Above the Knee Amputations - UW Health
This handout tells you about care after a below (BKA) or above (AKA) the knee amputation. Care of the Incision Look at your entire leg, front and back, each day. Use a mirror to look for skin sores, blisters, or red marks. Do not pop blisters! Wash your leg and incision every day. You need to keep the leg clean. • Do not soak the leg.
Open the BKA Rigid Dressing. Place the limb so knee is centered between the flaps. 2. Place the fleece covered Distal End Pad so the knee stays centered. (The second Distal End Pad may be used for a shorter residual limb.) 3. Pull the tongue over the Distal End Pad and the residual limb. adjustable. 4. Trim both distal and proximal flaps.
The Rooke AKA Rigid Removable Dressing (RRD) – is used initially after an above-knee amputation surgery to protect and help patients heal. The post-operative dressing offers superior wound and fall protection.
Below Knee Prosthetic Limbs
Transtibial amputation is the "official" medical term for a "below knee amputation" or BKA. It is one of the most frequently performed limb amputations. It is amputation below the knee joint and above the ankle. BKA's are primarily performed because of diabetes, foot ulcers or trauma to the area of the limb.
Ceramic Brake Rotor and Pad Kit; Front and Rear
Ceramic brake rotor and pad kits possess exceptional stopping capability, enabling the swift and efficient cessation of a vehicle. In comparison to conventional brake pads, ceramic brake pads generate reduced dust, resulting in diminished erosion and deterioration of the brake rotors in your vehicle.Reliable.
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Below Knee Amputation - Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics
- Simplified two-stage below-knee amputation for unsalvageable diabetic foot infections. - Staged below-knee amputations for septic peripheral lesions due to ischaemia. - Guillotine amputation in the treatment of nonsalvageable lower-extremity infections. - Primary closure of below-knee amputation stumps: a prospective study of sixty-two cases.