BKV Volvo 7700 MFW pack - OMSI WebDisk & Community
2020年6月25日 · This is a complete BKV Volvo 7700 MFW pack with several versions.
Omsi2 - Ikarus 280.02 – Bkv Mod - Omsi Bus Simulator Mods
2018年3月15日 · The bkbbus has begun to modify the TITA Ikarus 280 in accordance with the vehicles at the BKV. This edition has repaired the door opening / closing, the bell rings until …
IKARUS 280 BKV automatic | OMSI 2 - YouTube
2021年8月8日 · Title: OMSI 2 The Bus Simulator Official Developer: M-R-Software Official Website: omnibussimulator.de Page official mods: WebDisk OMSI Game OMSI 2: Aerosoft …
OMSI - Ikarus 260 BKV Mod V2.0 - YouTube
2013年4月3日 · Ikarus 260.45 and 260.46The 260 series is one of the most popular member of the 200 family. They were manufactured from 1971 to 2002. The 260.45 and .46 type...
Featured Volvo 7700A (4 doors) - BKV FJX/FKU version Volvo …
2021年1月26日 · Two versions are the refurbished version, and the version that has not yet been renovated, as you can see in the pictures. We look forward to the help of other enthusiastic …
Omsi 2 - Ikarus 280.49 BKV - Omsi Bus Simulator Mods
2017年11月1日 · Ikarus 280.49 BKV bus mod for Omsi 2. – Script carved CD recorder, which greatly facilitates model – Original sound enhancement Ikarus 280 BPI-762 – New paint – New …
Ikarus 280 at OMSI 2 Nexus - Mods and community
2024年9月20日 · Busz elkészült belső javítva STB.
Ikarus 280.00 BKV mod - Bus Mods - Marcels OMSI-Forum
2014年11月8日 · The Ikarus 280.00s were made from 1973 for the Budapest Transport Company (BKV Rt.) until newer subtypes (280.49, 280.40A) replaced them in the 80's. You need the …
Volvo 7700 (B7L D7C-275) BKV Budapest - Omsi Bus Simulator Mods
Volvo 7700 (B7L D7C-275) BKV Budapest bus for Omsi 2. Features: VOLVO D7C sounds. New dashboard. New ticket machines. BUSE passenger display. New, edited VOITH transmission. …
[OMSI 2] BKK Futar Pack - Strefa-OMSI.pl
Jest to mod dodający system informacji pasażerskiej używany w Budapeszcie BKK FUTAR. W modpacku jest do Scanii Citywide GN14, Ikarus 435, Ikarus 412, Ikarus 260, Volvo 7700 (by …