BL755 - Wikipedia
BL755 is a cluster bomb developed by Hunting Aircraft that contains 147 parachute-retarded high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) submunitions. Its primary targets are armoured vehicles and tanks with secondary soft target (anti personnel) capabilities.
BL-755型集束炸弹 - 百度百科
BL-755 是英国杭廷公司研制的可低空投放的 子母弹。 该炸弹于1964 年开始研制,1972 年装备英国空军 , 并外销给加拿大、荷兰、西德等国。 主要用于攻击坦克、装甲车、停放的飞机,以及人员和车辆等。 ①杀伤面积大. ②用途广. ③破甲效果好。 ④能低空投放。 该弹有 4 种型号 , 除基本型 MK1 外 , 还有 MK2 ( 装短延时引信 ),MK3 ( 采用间距为 250 毫米的双弹耳 ),MK4 ( 采用间距为 250 毫米的双弹耳和短延时引信 ) 。 小弹也有改进。 早期的小弹采用不锈钢叉尾翼,现改成了 …
Bl 755 mk1 submunition - CAT-UXO
This is the British BL-755 Mk 1, a High-Explosive-Dual-Purpose (HEDP), Anti-Vehicle (AV) and Anti-Personnel (AP) submunition, dispensed from the 272kg (600lb) BL-755 cluster-bomb, …
BL-755 Aircraft Cluster-Bomb - CAT-UXO
This is the British BL-755, an aircraft cluster-bomb which contains 147 x High-Explosive-Dual-Purpose (HEDP) submunitions. Its primary targets are armoured vehicles and tanks with …
BL755 - Military Wiki | Fandom
BL755 is a cluster bomb. Its primary targets are armored vehicles and tanks with secondary soft target (anti personnel) capabilities. The BL755 looks like a standard 450 kilograms (1,000 lb) general purpose bomb but with a hard "saddle" on the …
GBR - BL-755 : Cluster Bombs and Submunition
BL-755s were used in attacks against Iraqi airfields virtually throughout the war. Attacks against Iraqi ground forces became another area of deployment. In early 1985, Phantoms from Tactical Fighter Bases 3 and 4 repeatedly bombed Iraqi ground forces with BL-755 bombs, inflicting extensive losses.
BL 755 clarification of variations | British Ordnance Collectors …
2011年2月15日 · Jane's refers to the dispenser as the BL 755, and the bomblets as the GP (72mm diameter, also known as the No 1 with coronet) and the AAA (68mm, also known as the No 2 with a parachute). The AAA was developed for higher launch and deployment altitudes as it slowed the bomblet more rapidly than the coronet, providing a more vertical attack profile.
Bl-755 clusterbomb, Bomblets No.1.Mk1 & No.2.Mk.1., Great …
2014年12月9日 · The minimum release speed for the BL755 is 500 km/hr (270 knots). -At the moment the hooks of the stays break, the nose probe is released to move forward and lock in position. -The bomb is now fully armed.
TICKING TIME BOMBS - Human Rights Watch
The British BL755 air-delivered cluster bomb is carried by all active Royal Air Force and Royal Navy attack aircraft, most notably the Harrier, Jaguar, and Tornado.
英国BL-755集束炸弹 - 百度百科
BL-755 是英国杭廷公司研制的可低空投放的子母弹。 该炸弹于 1964 年开始研制 ,1972 年装备英国空军 , 并外销给加拿大、荷兰、西德等国。 主要用于攻击坦克、装甲车、停放的飞机,以及人员和车辆等。 ①杀伤面积大。 ②用途广。 ③破甲效果好。 ④能低空投放。 BL-755 是英国杭廷公司研制的可低空投放的子母弹。 该炸弹于 1964 年开始研制 ,1972 年装备英国空军 , 并外销给加拿大、荷兰、西德等国。 主要用于攻击坦克、装甲车、停放的飞机,以及人员和车辆等。 ①杀 …