BLU-82 - Wikipedia
The BLU-82B/C-130 weapon system, known under program " Commando Vault " and nicknamed "Daisy Cutter" in Vietnam for its ability to flatten a section of forest into a helicopter landing …
BLU-82 - 百度百科
BLU-82真空炸弹绰号“滚球”(Daisy Cutter),是一种专门杀伤藏匿在洞穴及建筑物内人员的燃料汽化高爆炸弹,有时也用于为直升机开辟降落场。 该炸弹曾经是世界上最大的常规炸弹(现 …
Bomb Live Unit (BLU-82/B) - National Museum of the USAF
As the supply of M121 bombs dwindled, the USAF developed the Bomb Live Unit-82/B (BLU-82/B) as a replacement. Weighing a total of 15,000 pounds, the BLU-82/B was essentially a …
BLU-82/B "Daisy Cutter" - GlobalSecurity.org
The BLU-82/B (Bomb Live Unit-82) was a 15,000 pound bomb originally designed to clear helicopter landing zones in Vietnam. The warhead contained 12,600 pounds of GSX (Gelled …
Design, development, and production of the BLU-82/B bomb and BBU-23/B ...
This report discusses the design, development, and fabrication of 225 emergency capability, 15,000-pound BLU-82/B slurry explosive bombs, for use in southeast Asia as tree-clearing …
BLU-82 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The BLU-82B/C-130 weapon system, known under program " Commando Vault " and nicknamed "daisy cutter" in Vietnam and in Afghanistan for its ability to flatten a forest into a helicopter …
BLU-82 Daisy Cutter - YouTube
Nicknamed "Commando Vault" in Vietnam and "Daisy Cutter" in Afghanistan, the BLU-82 is a 15,000-pound bomb, and because of its size, the bomb was dropped by parachute from the …
常规武器的巅峰--温压弹 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
该型温压炸弹由MC-130H特种运输机实施投放,全长5.37米、直径1.56米,重达6804公斤,是个外形粗短的大胖子。 然而,看似“颜值”不高的BLU-82型温压弹一旦引爆,可直接杀死半径600米 …
“炸弹之王”BLU-82炸弹(组图) - 新浪网
2002年12月9日 · 为了加快对阿富汗军事打击的进程,11月4日美国空军首次在阿富汗投下了“炸弹之王”--BLU-82型超大型炸弹。 据美国国防部高级官员说,有两枚“炸弹之王”被投在阿富汗北 …
BLU-82 "Daisy Cutter" - tonyrogers.com
Weighing a total of 15,000 lbs., the BLU-82/B was essentially a large thin-walled tank (1/4-inch steel plate) filled with a 12,600-lb. "slurry" explosive mixture. The designers optimized this …