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B/T细胞分类: - 组学大讲堂问答社区
2024年7月25日 · 初始B细胞 naive B (Bn cells) 、记忆B细胞 memory B (Bm) 、增殖B细胞 (proliferative B cells),生发中心B细胞 germinal center B (Bgc) 、循环B细胞 (cycling B cells)和抗体分泌B细胞(antibody-secreting cells ASC) Bn cells: IGHD/TCL1A. Bm cells: CD27/TNFRSF13B. Bgc cells: BCL6/AICDA. ASCs: MZB1. cycling B cells: MKI67. 参考文献. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.06.038.
如何培养原代小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞? - 知乎专栏
小鼠骨髓基质系统内存在的骨髓间充质干细胞(Bone marrow mesenchymal stemcells,BM-MSCs)是一种除造血干细胞以外的、具有多向分化潜能的干细胞,可以向骨、软骨、肌组织、皮肤、脂肪、神经等多种组织分化,因此可以作为组织工程中的种子细胞。 原代培养的意义. 1.有利于进行骨髓间充质干细胞的生物学特性的研究。 2.为下一步的传代培养创造条件。 3.可以直接应用与临床实践,是研究骨髓间充质干细胞作用的前提。 原代培养的方法. 贴壁培养筛选法. 贴壁 …
Clonal hematopoiesis driven by mutated DNMT3A promotes ... - Cell …
2024年6月4日 · With advancing age, hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) in the bone marrow (BM) progressively acquire somatic mutations, some of which may confer a proliferative advantage to the mutant cell, enabling disproportionate clonal expansion relative to …
Bone Marrow Endothelial Progenitor Cells remodelling ... - Nature
2024年12月30日 · Here, we find reduced and dysfunctional BM EPCs in AML patients, characterized by impaired angiogenesis and high ROS levels, could be partially remodeled after CR and improved by...
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PBMC/人骨髓单个核细胞 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
骨髓单个核细胞(Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells,简称BMNC、或BMMNC、或BM-MNC),是包括单核细胞、淋巴细胞、造血干细胞和祖细胞在内的具有单个核的细胞混合群体,是采用密度梯度离心从捐赠者骨髓中分离而来,其清除了红细胞和粒细胞,细胞产物稳定。
2024年7月23日,北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院、北京大学生命科学学院生物医药先创中心张泽民院士团队在期刊《Cell》上发表了题为“Pan-cancer single-cell dissection reveals phenotypically distinct B cell subtypes”的研究论文。
Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells support translation in …
During malignancy, the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment is modified to support and protect malignant clones through a variety of mechanisms, including neoangiogenesis, activation of survival pathways, protection from oxidative stress, immunosuppression, and, ultimately, promotion of therapeutic resistance. 4 Among niche cells, BM mesenchymal ...
Cellular sentinels: empowering survival and immune defense in ...
3 天之前 · Illustrates the guidance of human hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation toward specialized immune lineages with human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) and CD3 + T cells. A Human CD34 + HSCs (1 × 10 5) were isolated from three donors and cultured alone or co-cultured with allogenic MSCs (2 × 10 4) and activated stem cell donor-matched T cells (1 × 10. 5) (HSCs ...