Zekvyr still Impossible on BM hunter - General Discussion - World …
2025年2月3日 · 7 months in, fully geared 633 ilvl mythic raider, and still can’t beat Zekvyr because he instantly one-shots BM pets in first second of fight. I don’t expect Blizz to ever fix this. But thought I’d post anyway.
BM 1 or 2 pets - Hunter - World of Warcraft Forums
2025年1月12日 · Does it matter if you run with 1 or 2 pets. I’ve seen a few people running around as BM with only 1 pet. Thanks Celinamuna-area-52 December 27, 2024, 9:29pm 2 At the moment 2 pets is best 2 Likes Ogdenir-alleria (Ogdenir) December 27, 2024, 10:07pm 3
30th Anniversary BM revamp - Hunter - World of Warcraft Forums
2025年1月14日 · At release wow gave you the hunter, a class with 3 spec trees using ranged weapons and pets. A decade later, for the 10th anniversary, Blizzard was proud to bring you the Survival revamp, and remove ranged weapons to give the game yet another melee class. Another decade later, for the 20th anniversary, Blizzard was proud to bring you the MM revamp, and remove pets to give the game yet another ...
BM vs MM vs SV - General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums
2025年1月5日 · At this moment you shouldn’t be playing BM Hunter without using animal companion. It isn’t possible to get multi-shot without it. They are changing it in 11.1 to have an option to only have one pet at a minimal damage loss but until then you’d have to get a smaller pet (maybe a ray or tiny frog, etc) or play something else.
Zekvir Strats / Builds / theory - Hunter - Hunter - World of …
2024年9月19日 · As a BM Hunter, I watched a Blood DK friend try it for the first time at ilevel 580 something and one shot it about 3 days before reset. It was in the middle of all the weird tuning stuff. He’s really good and I thought, I can do this….pet dead in 15 seconds Last night at ilevel 601 I tried a bunch of different things.
B/M Hunter Pet Questions - Hunter - World of Warcraft Forums
2023年7月26日 · Hi fellow Hunters. I am a reasonably new Hunter and I have some questions. I am a B/M Hunter currently using a Spirit (Gon) pet and the Sewer beast. For Mythic/Raiding what 2 pets should I use, and can you use 2 different pets, like one spirit pet and one tenacity pet? Does the second pet get it’s own separate abilities or is it only the primary pet? What is the best combo for highest DPS ...
Fix BM.... this is pathetic - Hunter - World of Warcraft Forums
2024年11月28日 · As a BM hunter pack leader should be BiS in all forms of content AoE and ST, nothing screams BM like the pack leader tree. Dark ranger should be the choice for MM hunter, but we are forced into taking it because its either take dark ranger and do aoe dmg with blackarrow/bleak powder or get beat by the tanks.
Why is Dark Ranger BM not meta? - Hunter - World of Warcraft …
2025年1月7日 · In raiding, Pack Leader outperforms Dark Ranger on almost every fight (archon.gg). Even so, BM only placed at 22 out of 26 dps specs in the last 2 weeks (warcraftlogs.com), not factoring hero specialization. Interestingly MM is placed at …
BM Hunter on the PTR - Hunter - World of Warcraft Forums
2024年9月29日 · Spent some time on the PTR. ST: the nerf to Basilisk Collar is felt. To min/max damage, you will have to pay a lot more attention to using cobra shot and taking advantage of CS stacks (Serpebtine Rhythm) during damage windows. AoE: there are some improvements but things will have to tuned better or just plain fixed. So starting off with the good, Black Arrow dot spreads well with Hunter’s ...
Is anyone using pack leader for BM? - Hunter - World of Warcraft …
2024年9月23日 · A wolf that is a pack leader don’t summon tigers, alligators and foxes to defend his pack or to hunt. Thats why i despise the mechanic of zoo hunter, i just can’t get myself into it, summoning random animals from your behind.