Used BMW M3 for Sale Near Me - CARFAX
The data above is updated daily, based on used car inventory for sale on CARFAX for the last five model years of this car. We have 825 BMW M3s for sale with Free CARFAX Reports including Competition xDrive, Base, Competition and other trims. 569 BMW M3s are reported accident free and 218 are One-Owner cars.
BMW 3 Series Sedan M Models: Model overview, features, and specs - BMW USA
With its sporty design and epic engineering, the BMW M3 Sedan never misses a chance to impress. The high-performance 6-cylinder BMW M TwinPower Turbo gasoline engine delivers a powerful 473 hp and accelerates from 0-60 mph in 4.1 seconds. And thanks to the manual M Transmission and M-specific suspension, you'll always remain in control.
Used BMW M3 for Sale (with Photos) - CarGurus
BMW M3s, particularly the rare and limited-edition models like the M3 Sport Evolution, command high prices due to their exclusivity and performance pedigree. These cars are not only highly sought after by collectors but also represent a pinnacle of …
BMW M3 - Wikipedia
The BMW M3 is a high-performance version of the BMW 3 Series, developed by BMW's in-house motorsport division, BMW M GmbH. M3 models have been produced for every generation of 3 Series since the E30 M3 was introduced in 1986. The initial model was available in a coupé body style, with a convertible body style made available soon after.
新BMW M3:详情-BMW中国-新BMW M3价格-新BMW M3图片
新BMW M3 雷霆版,搭载M专属高性能3.0升直列6缸双涡轮增压发动机,强悍性能尽释放;带换挡拨片的8速运动型手自一体变速箱,动静随心掌控,卓然驾控动心魄。 可释放530匹强大马力,澎湃动势,引动山河;标志性M声浪,雷霆咆哮,激荡人心;M xDrive智能全轮驱动系统,精准驾驭,成竹在胸。 支持Drivelogic换挡逻辑,多种驾驶风格,随心切换;无论是运动驾控还是日常出行,均助您从容前行,畅行自如。 动如霹雳,静似星辰。 全新设计的LED自适应大灯与M碳纤 …
2025 BMW M3 Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
All M3 models are powered by a twin-turbo 3.0-liter inline-six. The standard version—it's far too good to be called a base model—sends 473 horsepower and 406 pound-feet of torque to the rear...
BMW M3 CS Touring
The M TwinPower Turbo inline 6-cylinder of the BMW M3 CS Touring features superior power delivery and the striking characteristic M sound. The engine delivers an outstanding 405 kW (550 hp) and a maximum torque of 650 Nm.
2025 BMW M3 Sedan - BMW USA
Discover the all-new 2025 BMW M3, M3 Competition, and M3 Competition xDrive Sedans – high-powered four-door sedans with incredible performance, driver-focused technology, and attention-grabbing style.
BMW M3 Sedan and M3 Competition Sedan
The sports car icon with exhilarating performance and unrestricted everyday usability: BMW M3 Sedan and M3 Competition Sedan show just how much racing performance is possible with a BMW 3 Series. This comes courtesy of a High-Performance M TwinPower Turbo engine and highly developed technologies derived from motorsport, such as the M specific ...
BMW 3 系 Sedan M 型號(G80 和 G20):概覽、個人訂製、價格
BMW M3 Competition Sedan 搭載 M xDrive 系統,其高性能 M TwinPower Turbo 直列 6 缸汽油引擎提供 390 kW(530hp)的強大動力輸出。 BMW M3 Competition Sedan with M xDrive: WLTP 綜合耗油量 (l/100 km):10.2 - 10.1;WLTP 綜合二氧化碳排放量 (g/km):230 - 227