Queensland - BHP
Queensland Coal comprises the BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) assets in the Bowen Basin in Central Queensland, Australia. BMA is Australia’s largest producer and supplier of seaborne …
Broadmeadow - BHP
Broadmeadow is located in Queensland's Bowen Basin on the traditional lands of the Barada Barna people, 34 kilometers north of Moranbah. It is a longwall underground coal operation. …
Saraji - BHP
The Saraji mine is an open pit coal mine located near Dysart in Queensland's Bowen Basin on the traditional lands of the Barada Barna people. It is one of Australia's largest mines, by …
BMA Mining Company News | iQ Industry Queensland
As the largest coal producer in Australia, BMA operates several major coal mines in Queensland, supplying high-quality metallurgical coal to global markets. iQ Industry Queensland delivers …
BHP Mitsubishi Alliance - Wikipedia
The BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) is an Australian coal mining company operating in Central Queensland. The largest coal producer in Australia, it is a joint venture with BHP and …
Broadmeadow Coal Mine - Global Energy Monitor
Broadmeadow coal mine is an underground coal mine which can produce up to 4.8 million tons of coking coal per year, in Queensland, Australia. The mine is located 34km north of Moranbah …
Steelmaking Coal - Mitsubishi Development
Our 50-50 joint venture, the BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA), is the largest exporter of steelmaking coal in the world. Established in 2001, BMA operates seven metallurgical coal mines in …
BHP injects $12b into Queensland - Mining Magazine Australia
2024年12月19日 · The BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) has invested heavily in Queensland, with more expected to come as the state Government works to make the sector even more …
BHP to strike deal to keep operating in lightning storms
2024年11月19日 · BMA argued heavy mobile equipment struck by lightning operates as perfect “Faraday cages”, completely protecting workers from electrical charge passing on to the …
Saraji Coal Mine, Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia - NS Energy
2020年1月28日 · The Saraji open-pit coal mine located in the Bowen Basin of Central Queensland is Australia’s fourth-biggest and the world’s tenth biggest coal mine by recoverable coal …