Home - Biomedical Center - LMU München
At the BMC, we teach the pre-clinical subjects of biochemistry, physiology and cell biology. We also offer courses in immunology and neurobiology. At the Biomedical Centre (BMC), around 55 research groups from the Medical Faculty of the LMU carry out research in …
Startseite - Biomedizinisches Centrum - LMU München
Das Biomedizinische Centrum (BMC) vereint acht forschungsstarke Lehrstühle und Institute der Medizinischen Fakultät. Es schlägt die Brücke von der Grundlagenforschung zur klinischen Anwendung. Aktuelles
RESEARCH - Biomedical Center - LMU München
The BMC closely integrates natural sciences and clinical application. We study the development and plasticity of cells: from basic mechanisms to pathology and repair. Our research focuses on cells - the basic building blocks of life. We investigate the potential and limits of cell plasticity.
Biomedical Center Munich - Campus Martinsried
The Biomedical Center Munich (BMC) brings together eight chairs and institutes from the Faculty of Medicine. It provides laboratories and teaching space for about 60 research groups with approximately 450 employees. The BMC is a central element in LMU ’s strategy for close integration and translation of biomedical research and patient care.
Core Facility Bioimaging - LMU Munich
2023年5月10日 · Biomedical Center (BMC) We provide access to state of the art light microscopy systems, from standard to high-end, and to image analysis. more. Already a user? Here is the Booking System. Like to become a user? Please navigate to New Users.
Campus Grosshadern/Martinsried - LMU München
The Faculty of Medicine – with LMU University Hospital Grosshadern and the Biomedical Center (BMC) – the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, the Faculty of Biology, and the Gene Center Munich are all located on the campus.
Biomedizinisches Centrum München - Campus Martinsried
Das Biomedizinische Centrum München (BMC) vereint acht forschungsstarke Lehrstühle und Institute der Medizinischen Fakultät. Es wurde 2015 eröffnet mit Laboren für derzeit etwa 55 Forschungsgruppen und ca. 450 Mitarbeitende. In der Strategie der LMU, Forschung und Klinik eng zu verzahnen, nimmt das BMC einen zentralen Platz ein. Mit seinem ...
Biomedical Center (BMC) LMU Munich - LinkedIn
The Biomedical Center (BMC) is home to about 55 research groups of the LMU Faculty of Medicine and explores #cell #fate & plasticity - from basic mechanisms to pathology and...
Core Facility Flow Cytometry BMC - LMU Munich
The CFFlowCyt at Biomedical Center Munich provides access to as well as services at high-end flow cytometers, imaging flow cytometry and cell sorters to internal research groups, and also interested parties from academic and industry as far as capacity allows.
PhD student (m/f/d) in Biomedical Research - Immunology - LMU Munich
2025年1月31日 · The BMC is located on the Martinsried Campus (one of the best scientific locations in Germany) and offers an ideal research infrastructure with close proximity to the LMU University Hospital, the Faculties of Chemistry and Pharmacy and Biology, the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE-Munich), Helmholtz Center Munich, the Max ...