BMD-100-A-R_U-BLOX_BMD-100-A-R中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立 …
BMD-100-A-R u-blox | RF and Wireless | DigiKey - Digi-Key Electronics
BMD-100-A-R – Bluetooth Bluetooth v4.1 Transceiver Module 2.4GHz Integrated, Chip Surface Mount from u-blox. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
BMD-100-A-R u-blox | 射频和无线 | DigiKey - 得捷电子 Digi-Key ...
来自 u-blox 的 BMD-100-A-R – 蓝牙 蓝牙 v4.1 RF 收发器模块 2.4GHz 集成式,芯片 表面贴装型。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
BMD-100-A-R u-blox | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
BMD-100-A-R u-blox Bluetooth Modules - 802.15.1 BLE 4.1 Network Co-Processor Module, BlueNRG-MS, Integrated Antenna, 8.4 x 13.6 x 1.8mm datasheet, inventory, & pricing. Skip to Main Content (800) 346-6873
The BLUMOD BMD-100 is a Bluetooth Smart master/slave network processor module targeted for low-power sensors and accessories using the ultralow power STMicroelectronics BlueNRG-MS chipset. It integrates features required for a Bluetooth Smart application, including Bluetooth radio, software stack, and GATT/ATT-based access.
BMD-100-A-R u-blox | RF 和無線 | DigiKey
今日訂購,今日出貨。u-blox 的 BMD-100-A-R – 藍芽 藍牙 v4.1 RF 收發器模組 2.4GHz 整合式、晶片 表面黏著式。Digi-Key Electronics 提供數百萬款電子元件的價格及供貨情況。
100人民币 (CNY)等于多少百慕大元 (BMD)_汇率换算器
2025年2月17日 · 100 人民币 * 0.1369 百慕大元 / 1 人民币 = 13.6949 百慕大元. 所以,根据汇率可以算出 100 人民币可兑换 13.6949 百慕大元,即 100 人民币等于 13.6949 百慕大元(100 CNY = 13.6949BMD)。 但需要注意此计算结果仅供参考,实际兑换请以银行实际交易成交价为准。 汇率换算器提供100人民币 (CNY)等于多少百慕大元 (BMD)? 今日100人民币 (CNY)兑换百慕大元 (BMD)汇率,人民币 (CNY)兑百慕大元 (BMD)实时汇率换算参考服务。
BMD-100-NUCL u-blox | Development Boards, Kits, Programmers …
Order today, ships today. BMD-100-NUCL – BMD-100 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) RF Nucleo Platform Evaluation Expansion Board from u-blox. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
BMD-100-A-R - 电子工程世界
元器件型号为BMD-100-A-R的类别属于热门应用无线/射频/通信,它的生产商为Riedon Inc.。厂商的官网为:.....点击查看更多
BMD-100-A-R U-BLOX | C6132079 - LCSC Electronics
BMD-100-A-R U-BLOX $21.769 - - Bluetooth Modules ROHS datasheet, price, inventory C6132079
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