BMD-4 - Wikipedia
'Combat Vehicle of the Airborne-4') is an amphibious infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) originating from post-Cold War Russia. [3][4] Originally designated as the BMD-3M, the chassis of the BMD-4 is the same as that of the BMD-3 because it was developed on the same basis. [clarification needed] This armored fighting vehicle is one of the lightest ...
BMD-4M Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2016年7月13日 · The BMD-4M is a new generation amphibious infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) manufactured by Kurganmashzavod JSC, for the Russian Army. The vehicle provides improved protection and support for the airborne troops.
BMD-4M - Army Recognition
2024年7月27日 · The BMD-4M is the latest generation of Russian-made airborne armored infantry fighting vehicles that can be para-dropped to provide firepower and support for airborne troops. It is an upgraded variant of the BMD-4 (BMD-3M).
BMD-4步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BMD-4伞兵战车 (俄语:Боевая Машина Десантная-4 简称БМД—4)是 俄羅斯 研發,2004年正式装备 俄罗斯空降军 的一款 空降戰車。 是 BMD系列伞兵战车 的第四款战车。 BMD-4的車體沿襲 BMD-3步兵戰車,但是換用了 BMP-3步兵戰車 的炮塔,火力較前代提升。
BMD-4M伞兵战车发展简史 延续苏联空降部队传统 真正的俄军精锐
2023年5月21日 · BMD-4M配备一门有效射程7000米的100mm主炮,2A72型30mm机炮的有效射程4000米,PKTM并列机枪口径7.62×54mm,有效射程也达到了1500米。 最大行驶速度70千米/小时,续航里程500千米。 BMD-4M伞兵战车和BTR-MDM“贝壳”伞兵运输车。 BMD-4M主体设计与BMP-3步兵战车相似,这样降低了后勤维护工作的难度,例如,它们都配备相同型号的500马力发 …
BMD-4步兵战车 - 百度百科
BMD-4履带式空降战车(俄文:БоеваяМашина Десантная-4,英文:BMD-4 Airborne Infantry Fighting Vehicle,北约代号:瓜园-Y),是 俄罗斯 KBP仪表设计局在BMD-3型履带式空降战车的基础上,进行现代化改进而成的BMD系列伞兵战车的第四款战车。
BMD-4M Infantry Fighting Vehicle | Complete Specifications
The BMD-4M Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the principal manufactured model of the original BMD-4. Accepted into service in 2016 with the Russian Airborne Forces after a prolonged development period, the BMD-4M (Modernisation/Modernised) has been used to develop a number of variants to meet the needs of the Russian Airborne Forces, which has never ...
Russia’s ‘flying’ fighting vehicle BMD-4M lands with crew
2016年2月29日 · The Russian BMD-4M, an airborne infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), has undergone landing testing. The advanced Bakhcha-U parachute airdrop system gave the vehicle a relatively soft landing.
俄空降兵部队装备“短号”反坦克导弹的新型战车(BMD-4M)|步兵 …
2021年8月9日 · 新车基于俄罗斯机载履带式IFV(步兵战车)的底盘 BMD-4M. 原来的炮塔被拆除,取而代之的是一个装有四个“短号”Kornet-D1 ATGM(反坦克制导导弹)发射器的新炮塔。
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
The BMD-4 (Russian: "Боевая Машина Десанта-4"; Boyevaya Mashina Desanta-4 literally "Combat Vehicle of the Airborne") is an amphibious infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) originating from post-Cold...