BMP-1 - Wikipedia
A non-amphibious BMP-1D (the so-called 'Afghan' variant), was built in 1982 for assault units in Afghanistan. It had 5 mm thick appliqué steel armor plates on the hull sides with holes for side firing ports as well as armor plate under the commander's and …
BMP-1竞标时有5个截然不同的方案,最终765工程方案胜出,被命名为BMP-1。 很有意思的是,这五个方案都使用同一个炮塔,即一门73mm火炮+炮塔顶置的9M14“婴儿”反坦克导弹。 获胜的方案,大部分设计已经可以在BMP-1上看到了。 同样使用了轮履一体的设计,履带在外侧,轮子在内侧,拥有非常好的机动性能,但因其造价过于昂贵而落选。 相对保守的使用PT-76水陆坦克的底盘加上BMP-1的炮塔方案,但这种方案明显不适合作为一个“主力步兵战车”使用,于是914工 …
List of BMP-1 variants - Wikipedia
BMP-1D (D stands for "desantnaya" – assault) – This vehicle is a modernized BMP-1 built in 1982 for Soviet assault battalions serving in Afghanistan. It is often known as the "Afghan" variant.
BMP-1D - Wargame Wiki
The BMP-1D is an infantry fighting vehicle for the Soviet Union in the Wargame series, it was first introduced in Wargame: European Escalation. BMP-1D is a modernized BMP-1 built in 1982 for Soviet assault battalions serving in Afghanistan. It is often known as the "Afghan" variant.
BMP-1步兵戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BMP-1步兵戰車 是 蘇聯 第一種 步兵戰鬥車,其設計是 輕型坦克 和 裝甲運兵車 的結合。 蘇聯陸軍 自 第二次世界大戰 開始即奉行大裝甲戰爭,以坦克組成裝甲師對敵國進行衝鋒的大縱深作戰,故此要求步兵要跟隨坦克一起行動,這也是裝甲運兵車出現的原因,尤其是冷戰期間蘇軍預計會和西方發生核戰爭,故要求裝甲車輛可以運送士兵穿過核污染地帶直攻西歐,故在1966年蘇聯進一步推出BMP-1步兵戰鬥車。
Soviet BMP-1 IFV (1965) - tank-afv.com
BMP-1D: For "desantnaya", assault. Specialized version developed for Afghanistan in 1982. 5–6 mm thick appliqué steel armor plates against mine blasts, side armor, additional firing ports in the troop's top hatches rear roof stowage box and an AGS-17 "Plamya" automatic grenade launcher replacing often the ATGM launcher.
武器科普 苏联BMP-1步兵战车以及苏联时期的部分衍生车型
2024年3月1日 · bmp - 1d步兵战车(1982) 该型号为增加装甲的bmp -1(又称“阿富汗”型)。在车体侧面以及驾驶员位置上增加了额外的装甲。由于战斗全重的增加,该型号失去了浮渡能力。
BMP-1D : USSR / Successional Countries USSR (SOV)
In 1982, the Soviet Army (hereafter SA) received several dozen BMP-1D (десантная= paratroopers) machines. These were vehicle modifications for combat in Afghanistan. The vehicles were fitted with additional armour that was placed in front of the existing hull side armour.
BMP-1步兵战车 - 百度百科
BMP-1步兵战车(英文:BMP-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle),是20世纪60年代中期苏联研制的一型履带式步兵战车。BMP-1步兵战车战斗全重13.3吨,乘员3人,载员8人。最大公路速度65千米/小时,最大行程600千米。该车车首具有流线型斜甲板,防弹性能较好。
俄罗斯装备志——BMP-1步兵战车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏