BMP-2步兵战车 - 百度百科
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The BMP-2M infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) is an upgraded version of the BMP-2 IFV. Designed and developed by Kurganmashzavod JSC, the IFV offers improved mobility and...
BMP-2M Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2020年11月23日 · The BMP-2M infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) is an upgraded version of the BMP-2 IFV. Designed and developed by Kurganmashzavod JSC, the IFV offers improved mobility and fire power for armed forces. The weapon system for the upgraded vehicle is provided by KBP Instrument Design Bureau.
从苏联到俄罗斯联邦,BMP2进化史 - 哔哩哔哩
第二代步兵战车(苏联/俄罗斯武装部队和其他一些国家)被设计用来取代bmp-1。 创建新车的原因是需要改变武器装备,特别是73毫米2A28滑膛炮,事实证明它对步兵和低空飞行的空降目标无效。
Soviet BMP-2 IFV (1980) - tank-afv.com
Field tests showed the BMP-2 was found capable of climbing a gradient 60% steep, 30% side slope, 0.7 m vertical step and gap a 2.5 m Trench. The BMP-2 could be also converted as a bulldozer with fittings for a mine plough.
BMP-2早期方案其一,放弃了传统的73mm火炮,改为30mm 2A42机炮+9M113“竞赛”反坦克导弹的标准配置。 配备了30mm 2A38机炮的方案,炮塔投影面积较小,但最终苏联军方没有采用这种方案。 该方案类似768工程,仍然使用2A41 73mm火炮。 BMP-2的基本型号为BMP-2、BMP-2K、BMP-2D三种。 BMP-2基本型号,装备了一门30mm 2A42机炮和9M113“竞赛”反坦克导弹。 BMP-2的指挥型。 装备了附加装甲的BMP-2,失去了涉水能力,但对大口径机枪的防御力大大增强 …
现代化改进后的BMP-2M步兵战车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
升级后的车辆有两种不同的配置,包括BMP-2M(sb4-2)和BMP-2M(sb4-3)。 BMP-2M有三名乘员(驾驶员、炮手和指挥官),最多可运送七名士兵。 车辆保留了BMP-2的设计规格,长6.73米,宽3.15米,高2.45米。
BMP-2M - Weaponsystems.net
The BMP-2M is an upgrade of existing BMP-2 mechanized infantry combat vehicles. The upgrade consists of fitting the Berezhok weapon system, which is a deep modernization of the BMP-2 turret. The main and coaxial armament are retained and complemented with the Kornet anti-tank missile system and an automatic grenade launcher.
[全球装备鉴赏] 苏联BMP-2步兵战车 - 哔哩哔哩
BMP-2M步兵战车 - 百度百科