BMP-2 - Wikipedia
The BMP-2 (Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty, Russian: Боевая Машина Пехоты, literally "combat machine/vehicle (of the) infantry") [4] is an amphibious infantry fighting vehicle introduced in the 1980s in the Soviet Union, following on from the BMP-1 of the 1960s. [5]
BMP-2步兵战车 - 百度百科
BMP-2步兵战车(英文:BMP-2 Infantry fighting vehicle [1]),是20世纪70年代苏联研制列装的第二代履带式步兵战车。 BMP-2步兵战车是在 BMP-1步兵战车 的基础上研制,战斗全重14.6吨,乘员3人,载员7人,最大公路时速70千米,水上时速7千米。 该车主要武器为1门30毫米高平两用机关炮,弹药基数500发,射速200~300发/分。 辅助武器为1挺7.62毫米并列机枪和1具导弹发射架 [7]。 BMP-2步兵战车于1976~1977年批量生产,1978年装备部队,1982年首次出现于红场阅 …
从苏联到俄罗斯联邦,BMP2进化史 - 哔哩哔哩
第二代步兵战车(苏联/俄罗斯武装部队和其他一些国家)被设计用来取代bmp-1。 创建新车的原因是需要改变武器装备,特别是73毫米2A28滑膛炮,事实证明它对步兵和低空飞行的空降目标无效。
苏联BMP2步兵战车详解 ② - 哔哩哔哩
BMP-2一般携带有一个额外的9P135M发射器,配有轻便的三脚架,供车载步兵使用。 9P135M发射器在车长座位后面,三脚架存放在载员舱内,通常靠在墙上。 9P135M可以折叠得非常紧凑,三脚架总重量仅为22.5千克。 在导弹发射之前,必须给予导弹的9B61陀螺仪大约半秒钟的时间运行,以达到10000转/分钟的运行速度,这是在导弹发射之前你可能会听到的嗡嗡声的来源。 在导弹后部安装有一个气体发生器以提供弹射推力,在武器操作员按下按钮发射后大约半秒钟导弹弹出 …
Preparation of BMP-2 Containing Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA
2008年8月15日 · Based on ALP induction and calcification, full retention of BMP-2 bioactivity was retained in the polymer-coated NPs. This study described a preparation procedure for BSA NPs with controllable particle size, and such polymer-coated BSA NPs are promising delivery agents for local and systemic administration of BMP-2 in bone regeneration.
Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (骨形态发生蛋白 2) - MCE
骨形态发生蛋白 2 (bmp-2) 是一种多效性配体蛋白,属于 tnfβ 家族。bmp-2 形成 bmp/tgfβ 信号,参与血管和瓣膜稳态,这是胚胎发育的关键过程。bmp-2/tgfβ 信号可以被抑制性 smads 终止,包括 smad6 和 smad7,smad6 被 bmp 信号激活和诱导,并通过多种机制关闭 bmp 信号。
Comprehensive Overview of the BMP-2 Combat System
2024年6月9日 · Explore the advanced capabilities and strategic impact of the BMP-2 Combat System. Uncover the design, firepower, sensors, crew dynamics, and operational history of this renowned Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
Unveiling the Versatility of the BMP-2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
2024年5月20日 · Discover the advanced capabilities and history of the BMP-2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Explore its design, mobility, combat features, upgrades, variants, and future prospects.
Human BMP-2 ELISA Kit - Invitrogen - 赛默飞世尔科技公司
The Human BMP-2 solid-phase sandwich ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is designed to measure the amount of the target bound between a matched antibody pair. A target-specific antibody has been pre-coated in the wells of the supplied microplate.
Unveiling the Potent BMP-2 Armament Capabilities
2024年6月15日 · The BMP-2’s armament capabilities, including its main weapon systems and secondary armament, are strategically designed to provide firepower without compromising its mobility. By integrating advanced fire control systems, the vehicle can accurately engage enemy threats while on the move, enhancing its combat efficiency and survivability in ...