3rd Armored Brigade (South Korea) - Wikipedia
On 1 September 1988, it was re-established as the 3rd Armored Brigade at Sangmudae, Gwangju, and later moved to its current base in Hongcheon. The unit operating T-80U and BMP-3, which have been borrowed from Russia. From 1995 to 1997, 33 T-80Us were delivered to South Korea as a part of payment for the debt incurred during the Soviet era.
Russia mulls option to regain T-80U tanks and BMP-3 from
2016年9月14日 · The Russian government is considering an option to acquire T-80U main battle tanks and BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles from Republic of Korea. The subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union and the impoverishment of the new Russian Federation made it impossible for Moscow to repay the loans in cash.
South Korean Army
bmp-3m (bmp-3) Role: IFV The South Korean Army received a modest collection of BMP-3 tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) from Russia for outstanding debts of the Soviet period.
What was South Korea's opinion on the BMP-3 and T-80U's ... - Reddit
The ROKA loved the BMP-3 - it is one of the most spacious IFVs there is, it managed to be amphibious which is important for the Korean terrain while still having decent enough armor, and the firepower is fantastic. The K21 is derived from a lot of the lessons they've learned operating it.
BMP-3 - Wikipedia
The BMP-3 is a Soviet and Russian infantry fighting vehicle, successor to the BMP-1 and BMP-2. The abbreviation BMP stands for Boevaya Mashina Pekhoty ( Боевая Машина Пехоты , literally "infantry combat vehicle").
从苏联到俄罗斯联邦,BMP3进化史 - 哔哩哔哩
bmp-3f是一种基于bmp-3的海军陆战队步兵战车,设计用于海军陆战队步兵、边防部队和沿海地区,在海岸和两栖登陆期间使用。 BMP-3与BMP-3的不同之处在于,它增加了浮力和稳定性,取消了自挖设备,有一个伸缩式进气管和轻型导水管,并在炮塔上安装了导水管。
South Korea Army T-80U : r/TankPorn - Reddit
2023年3月17日 · Brand new Russian Federation paid off a bunch of sovereign debt owed to South Korea in the ‘90s with a brace of military hardware instead of cash money because they had a bit of a liquidity problem. ROKA got T-80U, BMP-3, and associated systems. Korea also received couple of KA-32s and really liked its robustness and purchased a bunch more.
该车的武器系统和BMP-3/3M相同,为100mm 2A70火炮+30mm 2A72机炮。 装备了别列若克炮塔的BMP-2改进型,炮塔侧面的四发9M133“短号”反坦克导弹 是最显著的特征,已被多个国家装备。 装备了sb4装甲系统的BMP-2改进型,注意和BMP-2D的区别。 装备了sb4-2装甲系统的BMP-2改进型。 增加了装甲厚度,后部车体构型改变。 装备了sb4-3装甲系统的BMP-2改进型,炮塔上的9M113“竞赛”反坦克导弹被更换为双联装9M120“攻击”反坦克导弹。
俄罗斯装备志——BMP3履带步兵战车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
BMP3履带步兵战车为苏联时期开始建造的第三代步战车,是苏联于1986年推出次年批量建造并服役,到现在俄罗斯也有装备并出口,其炮塔出色的武器设计让其在军贸市场上打出过不错的成绩, BMP3履带式步兵战车 基础参数,最多可携带5名步兵,全长7.14米,全宽3.2米,全高2.4米,动力系统为一台 UTD -29M非增压水冷柴油发动机,最大功率为375千瓦,使用液力机械式变速箱,最大速度72千米/时,最大行程600千米,空车全重18.7吨,车体和炮塔为铝合金装甲全焊接, …
BMP-3步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
bmp-3步兵战车是苏联bmp系列的第三代。 不同于由 BMP-1 至 BMP-2 只是局部改良,BMP-3是全新的设计,1986年推出原型车,1987年投产装备部队,1990年5月的阅兵式中首次出现在媒体。