BMP T5.12: Sheet Flow Dispersion - Washington
BMP T5.12: Sheet Flow Dispersion. Purpose and Definition Sheet flow dispersion is the simplest method of runoff control. This BMP can be used for any impervious or pervious surface that is graded to avoid concentrating flows ).
BMP T5.10B: Downspout Dispersion Systems - Washington
Please refer to III-3.1.2 Downspout Dispersion Systems (BMP T5.10B). Washington State Department of Ecology 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, as Amended in December 2014 (The 2014 SWMMWW)
BMP T5.30: Full Dispersion - Washington
This BMP allows for "fully dispersing" runoff from impervious surfaces and cleared areas of Project Sites into areas preserved as forest, native vegetation, or cleared area. Ecology accepts Full Dispersion as meeting I-3.4.5 MR5: On-Site Stormwater Management, I-3.4.6 MR6: Runoff Treatment, and I-3.4.7 MR7: Flow Control. Sites that can fully ...
Stormwater manuals - Washington State Department of Ecology
Our stormwater manuals provide stormwater permit implementation and management guidance. Contact your municipality or permit administrator to determine which manual you need and for questions regarding implementation of stormwater management guidance. The dropdowns below provide access to past and present SWMMs. Order a hard copy.
for Eastern WA (Manual) Update. Webinar #1, June 27, 2017 . Handout #3 – BMP List. ... 2017) - Handout #3 BMP List 5 . Section BMP Keep Update Add Remove Notes . Chapter 8 - Source Control (cont.) 8.3.2 Pollutant Source-Specific BMPs (cont.) BMPs for Maintenance of Stormwater Drainage and Treatment
Book 2 – BMP Design BMP T5.10C: Downspout Dispersion Purpose and Description Downspout dispersion systems are splash blocks or gravel-filled trenches, which serve to spread roof runoff over vegetated pervious areas. These BMPs reduce peak flows and provide some infiltration and water quality benefits.
Rain gardens are an on-site stormwater management BMP option for projects that have to comply with Minimum Requirements #1 – #5, but they may not be used on sites complying with Minimum Requirements #1 – #9.
Figure 5 BMP types and locations for WSDOT stormwater monitoring. .....28 Figure 6 I-5 Everett BMP monitoring sites. ...........................................................................................31
BMP5-防海盗最佳管理措施发布(中/英文版)-其他文件文书--船 …
2018年8月15日 · 内容提示:《红海、亚丁湾、印度洋和阿拉伯海,采取最佳管理措施遏制海盗活动并加强海上安全的措施》BMP第五版,BMP5,《Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security in the Red Sea, Gulf of...
• Integrated content from Section 5.11 (Phosphorus Treatment and eatment) in the 2004 SWMMEW • Edited Table 5.1.2 (Treatment Trains for Dissolved Metals Removal) to remove “Media Filter” from the second treatment BMP. Instead, Emerging Technologies targeted for dissolved metals