BMP-1 - Wikipedia
The BMP-1 was the first mass-produced infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) of the Soviet Union. [8][12] It was called the M-1967, BMP and BMP-76PB by NATO before its correct designation was known. [13][14] The Soviet military leadership saw any future wars as being conducted with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.
BMP-2 - Wikipedia
The BMP-2 (Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty, Russian: Боевая Машина Пехоты, literally "combat machine/vehicle (of the) infantry") [4] is an amphibious infantry fighting vehicle introduced in the 1980s in the Soviet Union, following on from the BMP-1 of the 1960s. [5]
List of BMP-1 variants - Wikipedia
This is a complete list of formal variants and designations of the BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV). It is sorted by country of origin. Many field modifications may exist that are not listed here.
Soviet BMP-1 IFV (1965) - tank-afv.com
The BMP-1 from the BMP family (which stands for Boyevaya Mashina or literally "Infantry Fighting Vehicle") is certainly one of the most famous IFV worldwide, creating a stir in the West when it appeared. It was to enter service in 1966, thus, the title of "first" could be easily challenged by the West German SPZ Kürz (1958) and the SPZ Lang.
[全球装备鉴赏] 苏联BMP-1步兵战车 - 哔哩哔哩
BMP-1主要用于取代数量有限的BTR-50(特别是BTR-50P),而改进的8x8底盘BTR-60装甲运兵车(APC)也与技术含量更高的BMP-1一起开发并大规模生产。 两辆车在海外无数的冲突中投入并大量使用,这些车辆在冷战几十年中都存在。 尽管BMP-1于1966年进入苏联陆军服役,但它于1967年11月才首次被西方确定,现在被普遍认为是世界上第一辆“真正的”步兵战车(IFV),由于它能够运送部队、上岸,然后能够作为独立装甲战斗车(AFV)而将其归类为战斗。 因 …
BMP-1竞标时有5个截然不同的方案,最终765工程方案胜出,被命名为BMP-1。 很有意思的是,这五个方案都使用同一个炮塔,即一门73mm火炮+炮塔顶置的9M14“婴儿”反坦克导弹。 获胜的方案,大部分设计已经可以在BMP-1上看到了。 同样使用了轮履一体的设计,履带在外侧,轮子在内侧,拥有非常好的机动性能,但因其造价过于昂贵而落选。 相对保守的使用PT-76水陆坦克的底盘加上BMP-1的炮塔方案,但这种方案明显不适合作为一个“主力步兵战车”使用,于是914工 …
Soviet BMP-2 IFV (1980) - tank-afv.com
The BMP, which stands for Boyevaya Mashina or literally "Infantry Fighting Vehicle", was first introduced by the USSR in the 1960s and created a stir in the West. There was nothing to compare at that time, as the M113 and its APCs equivalents has comparatively less armour and a much weaker armament.
BMP-1U步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
bmp-1u步兵战车,或称为bmp-1u暴风步兵战车(乌克兰语: БМП-1У «Шквал» ,罗马化: bmp-1u shkval ,直译:bmp-1u暴风),是由乌克兰生产的一型步兵战车,为苏制 bmp-1的现代化型号,1990年代末由基辅 火炮武器设计局开发。
BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle | Full specifications & all models
The BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the most recent of the BMP IFV series. It was considered the most lethal IFV in the world and since its introduction with the former Soviet Army in 1987, the BMP-3 has grown into a large family of variants to meet …
BMP-2步兵战车 - 百度百科
BMP-2步兵战车(英文:BMP-2 Infantry fighting vehicle [1]),是20世纪70年代苏联研制列装的第二代履带式步兵战车。 BMP-2步兵战车是在 BMP-1步兵战车 的基础上研制,战斗全重14.6吨,乘员3人,载员7人,最大公路时速70千米,水上时速7千米。 该车主要武器为1门30毫米高平两用机关炮,弹药基数500发,射速200~300发/分。 辅助武器为1挺7.62毫米并列机枪和1具导弹发射架 [7]。 BMP-2步兵战车于1976~1977年批量生产,1978年装备部队,1982年首次出现于红场阅 …