BMP-3 - Wikipedia
BT-3F – Amphibious version based on BMP-3F with the original turret replaced by a smaller remote weapon station with either 7.62, 12.7 or 14.5 mm machine gun. It can accommodate a crew commander, driver, gunner, and 14 troops, and can use optional ERA armor.
BMP-3F Marines Fighting Vehicle (MFV) - Naval Technology
2014年5月19日 · BMP-3F from Kurganmashzavod JSC is a marines fighting vehicle developed specifically for the marine forces and quick reaction forces. The vehicle offers superior fire power, mobility and protection for the amphibious troops to conduct sustained assault missions.
BMP-3步兵战车 - 百度百科
BMP-3步兵戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
bmp-3乘員為車長,炮手和駕駛再加7名士兵,車長和炮手在雙人炮塔中(車長在右而炮長在左),駕駛在車身前方中央位置,左右兩側各有一個士兵坐位,士兵坐位前方各有一挺pkt機槍,其餘5名士兵坐在後方的運兵艙內,其座位也有槍孔可用手上的槍械向車外開火 ...
BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle | Full specifications & all models
The BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the most recent of the BMP IFV series. It was considered the most lethal IFV in the world and since its introduction with the former Soviet Army in 1987, the BMP-3 has grown into a large family of variants to meet …
BMP-3F Marines Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
BMP-3F is a marines fighting vehicle designed and manufactured by Russian company Kurganmashzavod, for more sustained amphibious assault operations. The vehicle features a flexible design to operate under difficult sea conditions, and offers increased fire power, manoeuvrability and protection of the marines over its base model, the BMP-3 ...
从苏联到俄罗斯联邦,BMP3进化史 - 哔哩哔哩
bmp-3f是一种基于bmp-3的海军陆战队步兵战车,设计用于海军陆战队步兵、边防部队和沿海地区,在海岸和两栖登陆期间使用。 BMP-3与BMP-3的不同之处在于,它增加了浮力和稳定性,取消了自挖设备,有一个伸缩式进气管和轻型导水管,并在炮塔上安装了导水管。
Soviet BMP-3 IFV (1985) - tank-afv.com
The BMP-3 was the last Soviet-era infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) produced following the BMP-1 and BMP-2. With roughly 2,000 produced, it remains in service today with a number of different operators.
军队-2020”论坛】俄罗斯海军陆战队 — BMP-3F步兵战 …
2020年11月16日 · BMP-3F两栖战车是俄军现役BMP-3步战车的海军版,与原型车相比,BMP-3F两栖战车在防护、机动、火力、操作和浮渡等方面均有较大改进。 该型车可同时运送10名士兵,搭载1门100毫米2A40火炮、1门30毫米2A42自动火炮、3挺7.62毫米机枪。 相比摩步兵、伞兵和海军陆战队装备的其他装甲车,BMP-3F两栖战车装甲更坚固,正面可承受30毫米炮弹轰击,侧面可保护陆战队员和机组人员免受子弹和炮弹碎片毁伤。 另外,该型车可在3级风浪条件下稳定 …