The Ultimate Blackmagic Pocket Camera 4K Rig
2020年4月14日 · Caleb from DSLR Video Shooter has figured out how to put together the ultimate rig for your Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K or 6K.
BMPCC 4K Rig Tour - The Best Accessories for the Blackmagic …
Check out my BMPCC 4K Rig Tour and see how I get my Blackmagic Pocket Cinema 4K ready for production. Watch my review... Have a BMPCC 4K and need to rig it up?
Amazon.com: Bmpcc 4k Rig
SmallRig D-TAP to BMPCC 4K/6K Coiled Power Cable Suitable for Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K / 6K for V Mount Gold Mount Battery, Weipu SF6 2 Pin Female to P Tap, 15 inch - 47 inch Length - 4761
Ultimate Blackmagic Pocket 4K Rig! - YouTube
2020年3月31日 · Fix your Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera! This rig will turn your Pocket 4K or 6K into a filmmaker's dream setup! My Pocket 4K/6K Video Guide: https://academy.dslrvideoshooter.com/...
BMPCC4K Rig Building - My SIX Favourite Accessories
Rig building guide for the Blackmagic Pocket 4K with my picks for power, focus, monitoring, cage add-ons, storage media, and adapting lenses. 👍 Thanks for watching! Please like, comment, &...
BMPCC 4K rig: Video and complete breakdown of components
2021年3月30日 · This piece talks you through my BMPCC 4K Rig. If you’re not familiar with videography rigs, it’s basically a system to give you everything you need to shoot effectively and efficiently in one solid unit so you can just pick it up, mount it …
BMPCC 4K实测表现究竟如何? ProRes和RAW比微单压缩格式有多 …
近日,bmpcc 4k终于“如期”小量交货,其高配的格式参数和万元出头的“低价”组合在一起,顿时吸睛无数,一时间“洛阳纸贵”。 第一代BMPCC依靠小尺寸传感器与卡口获得了相当紧凑的机身,从而喜提“口袋机”的江湖名号。
BMPCC 4K/6K - Tilta
Shop for Tilta products to use with your Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K or 6K.
My BMPCC 4K Rig : r/bmpcc - Reddit
2019年9月19日 · r/bmpcc • COMPACT BMPCC RIGS THREAD: It seems like the community’s attention is put towards large cinema rigs (I would love to share mine as-well). However I don’t see discussions regarding efficient low key setups. If you have a good “on the go” rig please share below. This is my attempt.
Blackmagic Pocket 4K and 6K Minimalist Rig Setup
2020年5月18日 · Shooting with compact cameras – or Blackmagic’s so-called 4K and 6K “pocket cameras” in this case – usually involves building some kind of rig. You could build the Ultimate Rig with every little bit you may need or want. Or, you could opt for a more lightweight and still effective minimal setup.