Liquid Handling System | Myra by Bio Molecular Systems
Discover Myra, an automated liquid handling system, designed to automate lab experiment set-up, including qPCR, NGS library prep, drug discovery & more.
Myra Software and Automation | Bio Molecular Systems
The Myra automated liquid handling platform includes standard applications like qPCR for swift setup. You can configure assays, run profiles, and analysis. Achieve sample normalization, pooling, or plate transfers easily.
Myra+ - Bio Molecular Systems
Ready to produce quality data faster?
Myra Liquid Handling System - LABGENE SCIENTIFIC SA
Run Myra and Mic instruments from the same one user interface. No exporting or importing of sample names required. Just setup, run, and analyse all in one location. Simplified solutions for standard laboratory processes including qPCR, NGS library quantification and more, all available at the click of a button.
Myra Liquid Handling System from Bio Molecular Systems
Simplified solutions for laboratory processes including qPCR, NGS library prep, enzymatics and more. High precision and accuracy pipette head with pressure based liquid level sensing. Integrated camera to enable Myra to see what it has to do including one click position calibration. Small footprint and low weight.
BMS Myra Liquid Handling System - Medical XPRT
Myra is the first liquid handling system with an integrated camera to help simplify robot calibration and setup. With an easy user interface that can integrate seamlessly with the Mic. Just setup, run, and analyse all in one location.
Myra - Mikrogen
Myra is a state-of-the-art liquid handling system for PCR setup. Equipped with a high-precision pipette, advanced motion control systems and an integrated camera for calibrating the plastic materials, the system ensures flawless results and reduces human error.
Myra introduces a perfectly seamless workflow between the Myra liquid handling system and Mic qPCR cycler. One setup only – configure your Mic qPCR run, tell Myra where your tubes are and watch Myra do the pipetting for you.
Liquid Handling System USA | Myra - biomolecularsystems.com
Discover Myra, an Australian liquid handling system, designed to automate lab experiment set-up, including qPCR, NGS library prep, drug discovery & more.
Mic / Myra – Forget the Pipette – Medicinal Genomics
Medicinal Genomics partnered with Bio Molecular Systems to simplify, accelerate, and consolidate qPCR testing for Microbial Safety Testing, Plant Pathogens, and Plant Sex. The Myra Liquid Handler preps 46 samples in less than 15 minutes.