BMV Forms - Ohio BMV
BMV 0399: Driver License/ID Cards: Request for Service by State or County Agency: PDF Word: BMV 1152: Driver License/ID Cards: Application for BMV Fee Installment Plan: PDF Word: BMV 1173: Records: Record Request Form: PDF Word: BMV 1174: Records: Clerk of Courts Vehicle Title Record Request: PDF Word: BMV 1177: Records:
Ohio BMV
Renew your registration, view your driving record, become an organ donor, and more. An easy, private, and secure way for Ohioans to present their state-issued ID. Renew your driver license or ID card. Save your time. Don't wait in line. Federally compliant licenses and IDs. Your personal BMV profile and important notifications. Have a question?
Certificate of Compliance - Ohio
The purpose of this form is to confirm that the two licensed motor vehicle dealerships listed on this form are engaged in business at the same location, as permitted by R.C. 4517.24, and agree …
BMV Update: Temporary Tag Changes Begin June 1st
Dealers who are not registered as web-enabled dealers may continue to complete and mail in BMV Form 4349 for temporary tag registration applications. The BMV has issued instructions, complete with pictures, illustrating how to report temporary …
Permit Changes - Ohio
Any change in the style of business requires a new license application (for example, changing from a sole proprietorship to a partnership, sole proprietorship to a corporation, partnership to a corporation, etc.). Please visit Permits & Licenses Issued to see available licenses.
Affidavits & Forms - Ohio
Ohio Dealer Licensing | 1970 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43223 | Call: 614-752-7636
Ohio BMV - Online Services
View your own personal BMV profile and important notifications Ohio Mobile ID Manage your Ohio issued driver license, ID card, or commercial driver license in your wallet app on your phone or watch
Ohio BMV
For online knowledge testing, visit Ohio BMV – Online Services. For knowledge testing in person, visit any driver exam station in Ohio. To find a driver training school visit: Approved Driving Schools. To schedule driving and skills test visit: BMV Online Services and select the "Schedule a Driving or Skills Test" tile.
When changing the dealership name you must submit a completed BMV 4443, photographs of the dealership business sign, dealership lot, and the inside & outside of your office. If you are selling new motor vehicles you must submit a completed BMV 4319 for …
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Oversees driver and motor vehicle licensing and registration and continues to make services more convenient, efficient and cost-effective.