BMW M Models Lineup - BMW USA
High-performance coupes, convertibles, sedans and SUVs - there’s a BMW M model for every driver. Find the M vehicle that fits your style.
BMW M: Home of high performance cars
BMW M has been a key player in the exceptional history of motorsport and stands for high-performance and passion every day - on the road or on the track.
BMW M Overview - History, Technology, and FAQs - BMW USA
BMW M vehicles are specifically engineered and designed for performance driving. Every aspect is optimized with performance in mind – the aerodynamics, suspension, exhaust, brakes, seats, steering, wheels, and more. The iconic M TwinPower Turbo engine, capable of delivering up to 617 hp, can only be found in BMW M vehicles.
BMW M - Wikipedia
BMW M GmbH, formerly known as BMW Motorsport GmbH, is a subsidiary of BMW AG that manufactures performance cars. BMW M ("M" for "motorsport") was initially created to facilitate BMW's racing program, which was very successful in the 1960s and 1970s.
BMW M automobile and M Performance automobile
BMW X5 M Competition. X5. BMW X5 M60i xDrive. X4 M. BMW X4 M BMW X4 M Competition. X4. BMW X4 M40i. X3. BMW X3 M50 xDrive. NEW . X2. BMW X2 M35i xDrive. X1. BMW X1 M35i xDrive. iX. BMW iX M70 xDrive. NEW 100% ELECTRIC . Z4. BMW Z4 M40i. M4. BMW M4 CS Edition VR46. NEW . XM. BMW XM by Kith. PLUG-IN-HYBRID . …
全新BMW M5:详情-BMW中国-BMW M5价格-BMW M5图片
全新bmw m5搭载4.4升m专属高性能v8双涡轮增压发动机和高性能电机组成的m混合动驱动系统,以强劲动力直抵性能巅峰。 全新BMW M5,外以低趴宽体身姿,显驭速逐风本性;内以超凡匠工,揽运动豪华于心。
BMW M4 CS Edition VR46
The BMW M4 CS Edition VR46 is an exclusive release to mark the birthday of BMW M works driver, motorcycle-champion and style icon Valentino “The Doctor” Rossi. Available in two characteristic design variants, both versions are limited to 46 vehicles each.
BMW M:總覽 | BMW Taiwan
X5 M與X6 M是首度配備M版本xDrive全時四輪驅動系統的BMW車輛,並擁有低調的外觀和經典的M動態駕馭表現。 這些優點由後繼車型(F85)延續,得益於全新的M八速手變速箱,其4.4升雙渦輪引擎能在高速公路上釋放575匹馬力。
新BMW M4双门轿跑车 - 宝马中国
新BMW M4双门轿跑车 M xDrive 雷霆版搭载M专属高性能直列6缸双涡轮增压发动机,输出功率可达390 千瓦(530 马力) ,出色的动力表现和标志性的M发动机轰鸣声,随时唤醒内心的驾驶激情。