BMW 003 - Wikipedia
The BMW 003 (full RLM designation 109-003) is an early axial turbojet engine produced by BMW AG in Germany during World War II. The 003 and the Junkers Jumo 004 were the only German turbojet engines to reach production during World War II.
BMW 003 Turbojet - Aviation History
The BMW 003 was the world’s second successful axial-flow turbojet engine and powered the Heinkel He 162 Salamander and four engine versions of the Arado Ar 234 Blitz. Although work had begun before its contemporary, the Jumo 004, the 003 went into production later due to developmental problems.
BMW 003A Turbojet Engine - National Air and Space Museum
BMW 003A Turbojet Engine BMW jet propulsion research was initiated in 1934, and work on the BMW 003 began in 1939 with a design thrust of 5,782 N (1,300 lb). Smaller and more compact than the earlier Junkers Jumo 004, the engine appeared so promising in 1942 tests on a Me 262 that the manufacturer was told to develop the 003 to such a level ...
I-BMW-I09-003R turbo-jet rocketengine Into large-scale production during the latter stages of the war. For reference purposes, we have included in this • paper some comparative performance characteristics of the Junkers 109-004 machine which had earlier reached pro-duction status. At least nine different models of the BMW-003 turbo-jet
BMW 003 Turbojet Engine - Smithsonian Institution
BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke) Physical Description Type: Turbojet Thrust: 6,894 N (1,550 lb) at 9,000 rpm Compressor: 7-stage axial Combustor: Annular Turbine: Single-stage axial Weight: 624 kg (1,375 lb.) Summary Preliminary work by BMW on jet propulsion began in 1934 with formation of its aircraft engine organization.
巴伐利亚的蓝天白云 宝马军工传奇之路 - 知乎
从外观和马力来看,BMW IIIa和Mercedes D.III区别不大,但是BMW IIIa发动机独创的高空化油器成为制胜关键,这个化油器通过海拔高度的变化改变进气量,保证发动机在高空域时仍能保持全马力输出。
The BMW 003 Jet‐Propulsion Engine - Emerald Insight
AT the end of the war in Europe, Germany had two aircraft jet engines in operational use; the Junkers Jumo 004, which has already been described, and the BMW 003 which forms the subject of this article.
实用喷气发动机“鼻祖”bmw003和jumo004 - 豆丁网
2016年1月15日 · 根据与亨克尔公司签订的一项合同,bmw公司开始研制一种推力约为600 千克力的涡轮喷气发动机 ——BMW 003,其基础为6 级轴流压气机、带冷却空心叶片的单级涡轮和环形燃烧室。
BMW 项目节点简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MTB / BBG 是德国装车阶段,这一阶段需要发件去德国BMW。 这个时候的样件状态一般是 soft tooling ,prototype. BBG 阶段主要是验证设计。 大部分金属件要求 series tooling ,塑料件可以是soft tooling . PVL / VS0 是中国BBA 第一个装车阶段,要求必须是量产模量产工装。 从这开始 QMT 会开始做审核 。 VS0 是要求量产模,,所有相关文件和WI 已经就位,工艺要求接近于量产工艺。 VS1 量产模,量产地点,量产工艺,量产工装。 VS2 量产模,量产地点,量产工艺, …
Bmw Strahltriebwerk, BMW 003 - YouTube
2015年4月6日 · BMW 003 Turbojet-Triebwerk BMW 003 Riedel-Anlasser Das BMW 003 ist ein Einwellen-Strahltriebwerk des deutschen Herstellers BMW. Es wurde als erstes Strahltriebwerk überhaupt mit einer...