N47 320d Drivetrain malfunction - BIMMERPOST
2024年7月31日 · 299F00 is related to VNT actuator position control. If you replaced the actuator and still have the same code it either could be a bad or wrong actuator or there could be problems with VNT vanes inside turbo itself.
2024年8月3日 · Resolve BMW F30 N47 engine ECU error codes (276900, 299F00, 25D400) with expert ECU file services. Improve performance and fix charge pressure and exhaust issues today. Join our portal or order directly from our shop
Fault Code 290900 AIR TO EGR MASS FLOW | BimmerFest BMW Forum
2022年6月5日 · We have narrowed down an exact timing of the fault code, Happens when slowing down (30mph usually) the egr valve opens to 95% and after 5s the error occurs and the egr system shuts down. Any help would be appreciated.
BMW 3 Series Turbo Actuator Problem - ECU Testing
This is a very common fault for all BMW 3 Series diesels built between 2005 and 2010. When the actuator fails it causes the engine to lose power suddenly and intermittently. The reduction of power is normally quite severe as the engine will feel …
Charging pressure faults - BIMMERPOST
2019年2月9日 · I went through the recommended diagnostics using the BMW software and it revved the engine to different RPMs and checked sensor readings, but it did not find any issues other than egr which is disabled. The injection quantity errors have been around for30 K, the charging pressure error is fairly new.
Turbo actuator replacement - BIMMERPOST
2024年7月17日 · The actuator comes as a complete unit with the arm permanently affixed. The Turbo side will have a locking-pin so it can be changed. Yep, the circlip is missing. Someone has been in there before and dropped it, never to be seen again. I bet it's resting on the under tray.
Ошибки по наддуву299F00,290900, передув и чем это кончается n57 — BMW ...
2025年1月21日 · Опыт эксплуатации BMW X3 (F25): В общем без печальной пред истории.висела с недавних пор ошибка 299F00.Жить она не мешала, ездить тоже.но в один момент прекрасный получил затуп на обгоне, на панель ошибка привода, мощность недоступ…. Узнайте подробности, смотрите фото и читайте на DRIVE2.
BMW Fault Code Lookup - BMWFaultCodes
BMW Fault Code Lookup. Enter a BMW fault code (P or hex), complete the captcha, and click "Search" P-Codes will start with a P and are usually generated by generic scanners. Example: P1055 Hex Codes are typically given by more advanced scanners. Examples: 180101 or 1B9308 or …
BMW X3 2.0D (E83) Electronic Turbo Actuator Repairs - Sinspeed
2020年6月10日 · We can fully remanufacture the BMW X3 electronic turbo actuator. We use new genuine OEM components when rebuilding the actuator and up rate components that are known weaknesses in the design to ensure it does not fail again. All repaired actuators are returned fully plug & play with a Lifetime warranty and will not require programming.
Fehlermeldung Ladedrucksteller - BMW 3er Forum F30 F31 F34 F35 und BMW ...
2022年7月17日 · ich bin aktuell im Urlaub und ca 2300km von meinem Wohnort entfernt. Ich habe heute mit Carly Fehler ausgelesen. Da steht: 299F00 Ladedrucksteller, Positionsregelung: Ladedrucksteller zu weit offen/positive Regelabweichung. Der Fehler ist vor ca 2000km aufgetreten und danach nicht mehr, ich habe auch während der Fahrt nichts bemerkt.